1. FEALTY (NOUN): allegiance
Synonyms: faithfulness, loyalty
Antonyms: inconstancy, treachery
Example Sentence:
Republican fealty to the interests of the investor class has been long-standing.
2. SKITTISH (ADJECTIVE): very nervous
Synonyms: fearful, fickle Antonyms: calm, collected
Example Sentence:
Banks were just too skittish to loan out their new reserves.
3. REDACT (VERB): rewrite, refine
Synonyms: alter, amend Antonyms: scatter, separate
Example Sentence:
The Times ended up publishing some documents that did not redact the names of active intelligence officers.
4. RAIL (VERB): criticize harshly
Synonyms: castigate, complain Antonyms: defend, praise
Example Sentence:
Certainly, these costumes are easy to laugh at, but the time to rail against them has come and gone.
Synonyms: durable, enduring Antonyms: ceasing, ending
Example Sentence:
The primal object of religion is to disclose to us this perdurable basis of life, and foster
our growth into communion with it.
6. PENITENT (ADJECTIVE): shamed, sorrowful
Synonyms: repentant, atoning Antonyms: happy, unashamed
Example Sentence:
Still, that might not do it: not every believer, or even all members of the penitent, will be taken.
7. OVERWROUGHT (ADJECTIVE): exhausted and excited
Synonyms: frantic, agitated Antonyms: rested, unruffled
Example Sentence:
But its legislative reaction is overwrought, and bordering on the fascist.
8. REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking
Synonyms: festivity, celebration Antonyms: sadness, mourning
Example Sentence:
They crossed the street to avoid a quagmire, but the sound of revelry followed them.
9. DOGGEREL (NOUN): expressive, rhythmic literary work
Synonyms: verse, poems Antonyms: prose, essay
Example Sentence:
Whilst droning out your doggerel you’re forgetting your driving.
10. IRATE (ADJECTIVE): angry
Synonyms: annoyed, enraged Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Example Sentence:
In one episode, two undercover air marshals subdued and handcuffed the irate traveler in question.