Synonyms: deduce, assume
Antonyms: doubt, unclear
Example Sentence:
He extrapolated the historical data to determine the projected outcome.
2. RECIDIVATE (VERB): become void; fall back into previous pattern
Synonyms: degenerate, relapse Antonyms: improve, increase
Example Sentence:
The convictions for those over sixty are unlikely to recidivate.
3. IMPISH (ADJECTIVE): mischievous
Synonyms: jaunty, naughty Antonyms: good, behaved
Example Sentence:
He approached her with an impish grin on his face.
4. FULGENT (ADJECTIVE): dazzling
Synonyms: bright, luminous Antonyms: dull, dark
Example Sentence:
The area had recently received a rare dousing of rain, and Maureen and I looked down on a fulgent foreshore as green as ripe limes.
5. DIVISIVE (ADJECTIVE): dissenting
Synonyms: disrupting, discordant Antonyms: well behaved, disciplined
Example Sentence:
Deflation also means that the economy adjusts to real shocks in the most divisive way possible.
Synonyms: buttery, insincere Antonyms: sincere, genuine
Example Sentence:
Jim seems to mistake his own oleaginous demeanor for charm.
Synonyms: alcoholic, dissipated Antonyms: fortunate, suitable
Example Sentence:
He was of intemperate habits, and beat his wife on little provocation.
8. CONTORT (VERB): disfigure, distort
Synonyms: deform, writhe Antonyms: beautify, smooth
Example Sentence:
Government is not going to contort the refugee laws to suit some people’s political agenda.
9. OPINE (VERB): think
Synonyms: say, suggest Antonyms: calculate, measure
Example Sentence:
The reason is, I opine, that each doth wait for his neighbour to make a move.
10. VORACITY (NOUN): ravenousness
Synonyms: edacity, greed Antonyms: generosity, kindness
Example Sentence:
He preys only on the smallest quadrupeds, and with all his voracity he is an arrant poltroon.