37 Most Important Selected Questions for Upcoming Exams

By | September 8, 2015
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1. Who was the founder of Mauryan Dynasty ?
ANS : Chandragupta Maurya

2. Who was the founder of Gupta Dynasty ?
ANS : Sri Gupta

3. Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty ?
ANS : Pushyamitra sunga

4. Who was the founder of Kanva Dynasty ?
ANS : Vasudeva

5. Who was the founder of Chola Dynasty ?
ANS : Vijayalaya Chola

6. Who was the founder of Pallava Dynasty ?
ANS : Simhavishnu

7. Who was the founder of Haryanka Dynasty ?
ANS : either Bimbisara himself or his father Bhattiya

8. Who was the founder of Nanda Dynasty ?
ANS : Mahanandin

9. Who was the founder of Satvahana Dynasty ?
ANS : Simuka

10. Who was the founder of Kushana kingdom ?
ANS : Kujula Kadphises

11. Who was the founder of Badami chalukya Dynasty ?
ANS : Jayasimha Vallabha

12. Who was the founder of Sisunaga Dynasty ?
ANS : Sisunaga

13. Who was the founder of chalukya Dynasty ?
ANS : Pulakesin I

14. Who was the founder of Rashtrakuta Dynasty ?
ANS : Dantidurga

15. Who was the founder of Sisodia Dynasty ?
ANS : Rana Hammir

16. Who was the founder of Rathore Dynasty ?
ANS : Rao chunda

17. Who was the founder of Pratihara Dynasty ?
ANS : Nagabhatta I

18. Who was the founder of Chandela Dynasty ?
ANS : Jayashakti

19. Who was the founder of Paramara Dynasty ?
ANS : Upendra

20. Who was the founder of Chauhans Dynasty ?
ANS : Vakpatiraja

21. Who was the founder of Pala Dynasty ?
ANS : Gopala

22. Who was the founder of Sena Dynasty ?
ANS : Samantasena

23. Who was the founder of Gahadvala Dynasty ?
ANS : Govinda Chandra

24. Who was the founder of Solanki Dynasty ?
ANS : Mularaju

25. Who was the founder of Kakatiya Dynasty ?
ANS : Beta Raja

26. Who was the founder of Slave Dynasty ?
ANS : Qutubuddin Aibak

27. Who was the founder of Khilji Dynasty ?
ANS : Jalaluddin Khilji

28. Who was the founder of Tughlak Dynasty ?
ANS : Ghiasuddin Tughlak

29. Who was the founder of Sayyad Dynasty ?
ANS : khijar khan sayyad

30. Who was the founder of Lodhi Dynasty ?
ANS : Bahlol Lodhi

31. Who was the founder of Moghul Dynasty ?
ANS : Babur

32. Who was the founder of Pushyabhoothi Dynasty ?
ANS : prabhakara vardhana

33. Who was the founder of Thoorpu( east ) chalukya Dynasty ?
ANS : kubjavishnuvardhanaWho was the founder of Yadava Dynasty ?
ANS : Billama

34. Who was the founder of Yadava Dynasty ?
ANS : Billama

35. Who was the founder of Vijayanagara Dynasty ?
ANS : harihara raya, bukkaraya

36. Who was the founder of Hyderabad kingdom ?
ANS : nijam ul mulk

37. Who was the founder of Maratha kingdom ?
ANS : shivaji