There are total 8 Countries which are in the list of SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. It was formed in 1985 December. SAARC headquarter is situated in Kathmandu, Nepal. There are two things to remember in this topic.
FIrst is its member Countries which are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal. Pakistan, Sri Lanka
And Second is its Observer Countries includes Australia, China, Burma, European Union, Japan, Iran, Mauritius, South Korea, United States.
Here we are providing you the simple Trick which will help you to remember the list of SAARC country members.
TRICK – Bharat BhuMi AB NePaL (भारत भूमि अब नेपाल )
भारत:- भारत
भु :- भूटान
मि :- मालदीव
अ :- अफगानिस्तान
ब :- बाँग्लादेश
ने :- नेपाल
पा :- पाकिस्तान
ल :- लँका (श्रीलँका)