1. MISBEGOTTEN (ADJECTIVE): illegitimate, illicit
Synonyms: dishonest, illegal
Antonyms: lawful, licit
Example Sentence: Sure enough, my friend lacked that small portion of his misbegotten frame.
Synonyms: delusion, haunt
Antonyms: reality, truth
Example Sentence: This apparition surprised me, because it seemed to accompany me.
3. BEMOAN (VERB): express sorrow
Synonyms: deplore, lament
Antonyms: be happy, praise
Example Sentence: Opening out her bundle of dried meat, she began to eat and bemoan her fate.
4. MALEFIC (ADJECTIVE): ruinous, injurious
Synonyms: deadly, fatal Antonyms: beneficial, lucky
Example Sentence: The malefic Powers of savages have generally been absorbed by higher beings or have otherwise disappeared.
Synonyms: magical, esoteric
Antonyms: known, obvious
Example Sentence: What he had to give was not mystical or abstract; it was purely concrete.
6. PARODY (NOUN): imitation, spoof
Synonyms: skit, farce
Antonyms: reality, truth
Example Sentence: He became a sort of parody of the man his father had hoped he would be.
7. PURLOIN (VERB): steal
Synonyms: embezzle, misappropriate
Antonyms: give, keep
Example Sentence: I knew you had great faults, but I did not dream that you would stoop so low as to purloin money, as it seems you have done.
8. EXORDIUM (NOUN): introduction to a document
Synonyms: prologue, preface
Antonyms: epilogue, postscript
Example Sentence: It is his notion of freedom, and at once the exordium and peroration of his eloquence.
9. FLUNKY (NOUN): attendant
Synonyms: drudge, snob
Antonyms: idler, laze
Example Sentence: He did protest then that any flunky on the base could read it to the crowd as well as he.
10. MAUL (VERB): mangle, abuse
Synonyms: beat up, drub
Antonyms: protect, guard
Example Sentence: At first curiosity attracted this animal, and later the hunting instinct caused him to maul his prey.