Vocab Of The Day Part 10

By | December 10, 2015

1. YEN (NOUN): strong want

Synonyms: desire, craving

Antonyms: indifference, hatred

Example Sentence:

Have you felt curiosity or a yen to find your natural parents?

2. DANK (ADJECTIVE): clammy

Synonyms: muggy, steamy Antonyms: parched, dry

Example Sentence:

They lay in the dank and chilly dawn as though death had reaped the field.

3. CADAVER (NOUN): dead body

Synonyms: carcass, corpse Antonyms: being, living

Example Sentence:

Cremate the cadaver together with the board upon which it is fixed.

4. BADGER (VERB): nag, bother

Synonyms: annoy, bully Antonyms: delight, please

Example Sentence:

Sleep is a necessity to a badger, and it was already long past bed-time.

5. BALLAST (NOUN): something giving balance

Synonyms: equilibrium, support Antonyms: instability, imbalance

Example Sentence:

I have a few guidelines that I try to use to help me keep things in ballast.

6. YANK (VERB): pull hard and fast

Synonyms: jerk, snatch Antonyms: fix, put in

Example Sentence:

He slammed open my bedroom door and tried to yank me out from my hiding place

7. DAUB (VERB): coat; make dirty

Synonyms: deface, smudge Antonyms: clean, purify

Example Sentence:

He told me it was the custom in England and other parts of the world to daub oil-paints on a piece of canvas.

8. DAPPER (ADJECTIVE): well-groomed, neat

Synonyms: classy, dashing Antonyms: plain, shabby

Example Sentence:

They went to where they found the dapper warriors standing in the court in a great press of welcoming knights.

9. YEOMAN (NOUN): worker

Synonyms: assistant, attendant Antonyms: boss, manager

Example Sentence:

The rise of the yeoman class in Britain was particularly critical in foreshadowing the evolution of America.

10. DISBAND (VERB): break up

Synonyms: destroy, disperse Antonyms: assemble, gather

Example Sentence:

One of the chief reasons that juvenile clubs often disband for lack of interest is because nothing is laid out for them to do.

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