Vocab Of The Day Part 23

By | January 4, 2016

1. WARP (VERB): bend, distort

Synonyms: corrupt, contort

Antonyms: beautify, improve

Example Sentence:

Instead, now we have a political science case-study proving how political fortunes can shift and change at warp speed.
2. PHLEGMATIC (ADJECTIVE): unemotional

Synonyms: frigid, indifferent Antonyms: emotional, passionate

Example Sentence:

They are phlegmatic, dependable people, and have more facial hair than anybody else.
3. CAPITULATE (VERB): give in

Synonyms: surrender, succumb Antonyms: conquer, win

Example Sentence:

All these leaders have got us into this trouble and now they are on the brink of

capitulating completely.
4. GENTEEL (ADJECTIVE): sophisticated, cultured

Synonyms: elegant, noble Antonyms: uncivilized, rough

Example Sentence:

Her newly acquired genteel manner irritated those who had known her the longest.
5. SWERVE (VERB): turn aside, often to avoid collision

Synonyms: deflect, lurch Antonyms: stay, straighten

Example Sentence:

The greater the spin you can put on the ball, the more it will swerve.
6. SLUE (VERB): lower, descend

Synonyms: decline, plunge Antonyms: advance, ascend

Example Sentence:

His partner of 14 years had just died, and he was beginning to slue into alcohol and drug abuse.
7. POUNCE (VERB): leap at; take by surprise

Synonyms: bound, dart Antonyms: aid, ascend

Example Sentence:

Why would he pounce on a nation whose Arab citizens are the least afraid in the entire Middle East?
8. AMBUSH (NOUN): lying in wait; concealed position

Synonyms: concealment, deception Antonyms: frankness, honesty

Example Sentence:

She would lure him to a Paris suburb where the gang waited in ambush.
9. DIVAGATE (VERB): stray

Synonyms: deviate, digress Antonyms: be direct, stay

Example Sentence:

But when they had sat down, Julius was little inclined to divagate into an account of his travels.
10. SECTARIAN (ADJECTIVE): narrow-minded, exclusive

Synonyms: factional, dissident Antonyms: liberal, conforming

Example Sentence:

Moreover, sectarian tensions make repairs almost impossible to negotiate.

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