(ADJECTIVE): impassable
Synonyms: insurmountable, impossible
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
Charles is a foolish dreamer who comes up with insuperable plans that he never achieves.
2. PETTISH (ADJECTIVE): very angry; in a bad mood
Synonyms: annoyed, vexed Antonyms: cheerful, pleasant
Example Sentence:
“For the last month or six weeks he has scarcely spoken to me but in the unmistakable language of a pettish anger.
3. INSCRUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): hidden, mysterious; blank
Synonyms: enigmatic, unfathomable Antonyms: clear, understandable
Example Sentence:
The killer left no clues, and the murder remains an inscrutable mystery.
4. PRESCIENT (ADJECTIVE): perceptive
Synonyms: farsighted, judicious Antonyms: shortsighted, imperceptive
Example Sentence:
In India, you can find many saints in the Himalayan region who can be called as prescient.
Synonyms: priestly, apostolic Antonyms: irreligious, profane
Example Sentence:
In this postmodern free-for-all it is hard to envision much of a sacerdotal role for the literary scholar.
6. RAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): plundering
Synonyms: ferocious, greedy Antonyms: satisfied, contended
Example Sentence:
The investment bankers working at the Wall Street are often accused of being rapacious.
7. SURLY (ADJECTIVE): gruff, bearish
Synonyms: boorish, irritable Antonyms: polite, refined
Example Sentence:
Maggie drank a little too much and got surly and made snide comments during the final toast.
8. DRIVEL (NOUN): foolish talk
Synonyms: babble, gibberish Antonyms: sense, truth
Example Sentence:
I don’t believe a word of this drivel about instant weight loss.
9. QUERULOUS (ADJECTIVE): grouchy, hard to please
Synonyms: carping, complaining Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Example Sentence:
Caring for this querulous patient had become a tiresome task.
10. CONCILIATORY (ADJECTIVE): placid, yielding
Synonyms: appeasing, calm Antonyms: fighting, stubborn
Example Sentence:
After the war was over, the formerly warring countries were suddenly conciliatory at the peace conference.