1. RECOUNT(VERB): recall and tell a story
Synonyms: depict, recite
Antonyms: repress, withhold
Example Sentence: The war hero recounted the victory of his side.
2. MAUL (VERB): beat up
Synonyms: mangle, lash
Antonyms: protect, help
Example Sentence: The mob mauled the poor cobbler.
3. DISHEVEL (VERB): mess up
Synonyms: muss, disorder
Antonyms: order, arranged
Example Sentence: The whole room was dishevelled by someone while I was out.
4. LAZE (VERB): rest
Synonyms: idle, loaf
Antonyms: active, busy
Example Sentence: I prefer to laze at home rather than outside on a rainy day.
5. HORRID (ADJECTIVE): offensive
Synonyms: atrocious, hideous
Antonyms: pleasant, attractive
Example Sentence: I’m too nervous to stop in this horrid state where it never ceases to rain.
Synonyms: incorrect, false
Antonyms: accurate, precise
Example Sentence: The fact that the Earth is flat is erroneous.
7. MELD (VERB): blend
Synonyms: fuse, mix
Antonyms: separate, divide
Example Sentence: Neha being a shy girl, does not usually meld with other easily.
Synonyms: burly, portly
Antonyms: thin, weak
Example Sentence: The colonel was a stout, tall, plethoric German.
9. FOSTER (VERB): support
Synonyms: encourage, promote
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence: People should foster peace and harmony.
10. NADIR (NOUN): lowest point
Synonyms: bottom, base
Antonyms: apex, summit
Example Sentence: I think I have seen the nadir of my career so there is nowhere to go but to rise.