Computer storage unit very important chapter for bank and patwar and other competitive examination .each year 2-3 question asked by examiner in bank and other exam.we see that all days used MB,GB internet package and has pen drive and sd card etc… these mb and gb is storage unit of computer.
Storage unit of computer
1. Bit = 0 and 1
1 Bit = 0 or 1
* Bit is a smallest storage unit of computer.
0=off= not represent electricity flutter
1=on =represent electricity flutter
2. 4 bit = 1 nibble =B/2
3. 8 bit = 1 byte =word/2
4. 16 bit =2 byte = single word
5. 32 bit=4 byte =double word
6. 64 bit= 8 byte = quard word
7. 1024 bit = 1 KB = approx. (10)3 = (2)10 = kilo byte
8. 1024 KB= 1 MB = approx. (10)6 = (2)20 = 10 Lac = 1 million = mega byte
9. 1024 MB = 1 GB = approx. (10)9 = (2)30 = 1 billion = Gega byte
10. 1024 GB = 1 TB = approx. (10)12 = (2)40 = 1 trillion = tera byte
11. 1024 TB = 1 PB = approx. (10)15 = (2)50 = peta byte
12. 1024 PB = 1 EB = approx. (10)18 = (2)60 = exa byte
13. 1024EB = 1 ZB = approx. (10)21 = (2)70 = 1 zeta byte
14. 1024 ZB = 1 YB = approx. (10)24 = (2)80 =1 yotta byte