Adjective degrees: avoid using “very”.
Dear students here we are going to publish a list of Adjective Degrees by using you can learn how to use the words avoiding “Very”.
1. Very hot = boiling / baking (उबलता हुआ)
“It’s baking today, isn’t it!”
2. Very cold = freezing (जमानेवाला)
“It’s absolutely freezing outside.”
3. Very wet = soaking / soaked (बहुत गीला)
“We went out in the storm and got soaked!”
4. Very dry = arid / parched (सूखा)
“It gets really arid here in summer.”
5. Very interesting = fascinating (आकर्षित करने वाला)
“This book is fascinating. You should read it.”
6. Very important = crucial / vital (ज़रूरी)
“His work as a medical researcher is crucial.”
7. Very intelligent = brilliant (प्रतिभाशाली)
*”Priya is a brilliant student.”*
8. Very easy = effortless (सरल)
“He made the dance routine look effortless.”
9. Very nice = lovely / wonderful (अद्भुत)
“We had a lovely holiday.”
10. Very pretty = beautiful (सुन्दर)
“We stayed in a beautiful town.”
11. Very neat = immaculate (साफ़ सुथरा)
“Her house is absolutely immaculate.”
12. Very clean = spotless (बेदाग)
“The hotel kitchen was spotless.”
13. Very dirty = filthy / disgusting (गंदा)
“The restaurant bathroom was absolutely filthy.”
14. Very hungry = famished / starving (भूखों मारना)
“What’s for dinner? I’m starving!”
15. Very good = excellent (अति उत्कृष्ट)
“Her son got an excellent mark in his exam.”
16. Very bad = awful / terrible (भयानक)
“I feel terrible. I think I ate something bad.”
17. Very tired = exhausted (थका हुआ)
“They were exhausted after their journey.”
18. Very sad = depressed (उदास)
“She was depressed after losing her job.”
19. Very happy = ecstatic / over the moon / overjoyed (अति आनंदित)
“I was over the moon when I heard the news.”
20. Very small = tiny (बहुत छोटा)
“Our house is tiny!”
21. Very big = enormous / huge (विशाल)
“They have an enormous dog. He’s quite scary!”
22. Very afraid = terrified / petrified (बहुत डरा हुआ)
“When I felt the earthquake I was terrified.”
23. Very angry = furious (अति क्रुद्ध)
“His teacher was furious with him.”
24. Very old = ancient (a thing), elderly (a person) (पुराना, बूढ़ा)
“My car is absolutely ancient!”
“His parents are a little elderly.”
25. Very funny = hilarious (उल्लासपूर्ण)
“Priya told a hilarious story about her time was an au-pair.”