Daily English Vocabulary Part 207

By | October 23, 2017

Challenging Word The Hindu Article (23-10-2017)

1) Realm (noun) (क्षेत्र) – relm
Meaning – a subject or area in which an individual has curiosity, experience, and/or knowledge
Synonyms-  domain, sphere, area.
Antonyms -Whole, sky, undivided
Example –  In recent years, many technological innovations have deepened my interest in therealm of computer science.

2) Mull (verb)  (विचार करना) – mull
Meaning – to think about something deeply and for a long period of time
Synonyms – ponder, consider, think about
Antonyms –  Ignore, neglect, disregard
Example – The jury needed the weekend to mullover the evidence and make a decision on the case.

3)Outweigh (verb) (पल्ला झुकना, अतिरंजित )  – out-wey
Meaning – for something to be more important or further along than something else
Synonyms –  supersede, offset, cancel out.
Antonyms – Fall behind, lose
Example – Since the job paid much less and was more difficult, its disadvantages definitelyoutweigh the benefits.

4) Ravaged (Verb)  (तबाह) –  rav-aged
Meaning – severely damaged; devastated.
Synonyms- despoiled, runied
Antonyms – preserved, saved
Example – Despite the efforts of the firemen, the fire ravaged the forest.

5) Mitigation (noun) (शमन) – pa-tron-age
Meaning – the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Synonyms-  alleviation, reduction; lessening.
Antonyms –  distress ,enhancing
Example – I found this medicine a good mitigation for headache.

6) Hedge (verb) (सुरक्षा) –  heg
Meaning – a way of protecting oneself against financial loss or other adverse circumstances , boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs
Synonyms – safeguard, protect, shield.
Antonyms – destroy, endanger
Example -Index-linked gilts are a useful hedge against inflation.

7) Volatility (noun) (अस्थिरता) – vola-tili-ti
Meaning –  likely to change in a very sudden or extreme way.
Synonyms – fickleness, changeability 
Antonyms – permanence, steadiness 
Example – Some stocks have a very high volatilityand can be quite risky but they also can be the quickest way to get rich.

8) Binding (adjective)(बाध्यकारी) – Bi-ending
Meaning – (of an agreement or promise) involving an obligation that cannot be broken.
Synonyms – compulsory, imperative, mandatory/necessary.
Antonyms – capricious , flexible 
Example – Business agreements or alliance between the companies are intended to be legally binding.

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