Daily 5 English Vocabs/Idiom/Slang/Common Mistake of the Day – 15 November 2017

By | November 15, 2017

➡ Daily Vocabulary ( 15 Nov 2017 ) : 5 Words
1. RECEDE (VERB): decrease
Synonyms: abate, shrink
Antonyms: enhance, develop
Example Sentence: The water receded after a few days leaving behind a gloomy picture.

2. BANTER (NOUN): fun
Synonyms: chitchat, gossip
Antonyms: flattery, praise
Example Sentence: We had a lot of banter in the locker room.

3. ENDORSEMENT (NOUN): support
Synonyms: backing, ratification
Antonyms: disapproval, disfavor
Example Sentence: The policy had a lot of endorsement.

Synonyms: dominant, primary
Antonyms: infrequent, irregular
Example Sentence: The mainstream media is ruled by a few parties.

5. FAVOR (NOUN): help
Synonyms: assistance, backing
Antonyms: disdain, hindrance
Example Sentence: The received a lot of favors from us.



Idiom of the Day

➡ Wide of the Mark

✔️ Meaning:
▪️If something is wide of the mark, it isn’t true or accurate, or it misses the target.

✔️ For example:
▪️The manager expected sales to double this year, but his prediction was wide of the mark. They only increased by ten per cent.
▪️Ronaldo’s first shot was wide of the mark, but his second one went right into the back of the net for a goal.



Slang of the Day

➡ Dork

✔️ Meaning:
▪️a socially awkward person

✔️ For example:
▪️My son is upset because some kids at school called him a dork.
▪️You call my little brother a dork again and I’ll beat the crap out of you! You got that?

✔️ Note: This word is usually used among young people, and has a similar meaning to “geek”, “dweeb”, “nerd”, etc.

✔️ Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.



Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words

➡ Finish (= come to the end of).

❌ Don’t say: I’ve finished from my work.
✔️ Say: I’ve finished my work.

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