Idiom of the Day
➡ Meet someone halfway
✔️ Meaning:
▪️If you meet someone halfway, you compromise with them and agree to some of their demands, but not all of them, in order to come to an agreement.
✔️ For example:
▪️We decided to meet them halfway and give them a 15% discount, but we wouldn’t give them the full discount they wanted.
▪️If you want this relationship to continue, you have to meet me halfway and not expect everything to be on your terms only.
Slang of the Day
➡ Airhead
✔️ Meaning:
▪️a silly, stupid person
✔️ For example:
▪️Joel says only airheads watch the shopping channel.
▪️Just because I’m a blonde woman who likes shopping and going to the gym some people call me an airhead, and I’m not!
✔️ Variety: This slang term is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words
➡ Comprise (= consist of).
❌ Don’t say: The book comprises of five chapters.
✔️ Say: The book comprises five chapters.
✔️ The book is comprised of five chapters.
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