Daily English Idiom/Slang/Common Mistake of the Day – 18 November 2017

By | December 21, 2017

Idiom of the Day
➡  A Flash in the pan

✔️ Meaning:
▪️You can say something or someone is a flash in the pan if they’re popular or effective for a short time only.

✔️ For example:
▪️Her first song was a big hit, but when Debbie’s next song didn’t do so well people started calling her a flash in the pan.
▪️Dave says he doesn’t mind being called a flash in the pan because he still gets money for the book he wrote, even though he never wrote another one.



Slang of the Day
➡ Loan shark

✔️ Meaning:
▪️an unauthorised moneylender who charges very high interest rates

✔️ For example:
▪️It’s usually poor people who have to borrow from loan sharks because banks won’t give them loans.
▪️Pierre had to go to hospital after he was beaten up because he didn’t pay money back to a loan shark in time.



Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words

➡  Ask (= put a question to).

❌ Don’t say: I asked to the teacher about it.
✔️ Say: I asked the teacher about it.

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