➡Daily Vocabulary ( 07 Nov 2017 ) : 5 Words
Synonyms: constantly, perpetually
Antonyms: abruptly, precipitously
Example Sentence: They did the job incessantly.
Synonyms: antipathy, aversion
Antonyms: affection, adoration
Example Sentence: He was tired of his brother’s snobbishness.
3. INEVITABILITY (NOUN): positive assurance
Synonyms: certitude, credence
Antonyms: disbelief, uncertainty
Example Sentence: He counted on the inevitability of his promotion.
Synonyms: farsighted, perceptive
Antonyms: blunt, frivolous
Example Sentence: They are shrewd people.
5. VITIATE (VERB): ban
Synonyms: negate, abolish
Antonyms: ratify, approve
Example Sentence: He vitiated the stores made by the previous owner.
➡Idiom of the Day
Get cracking!
✔️ Meaning:
▪️You can say “Get cracking!” if you want someone to hurry up and do something faster.
✔️ For example:
▪️Come on! Let’s get cracking or we’ll miss our train!
▪️If we don’t get cracking and finish the job today, we’ll miss the deadline and we won’t get paid.
➡ Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words
*Round (= on all sides of).
❌ Don’t say: The earth goes round of the sun.
✔️ Say: The earth goes round the sun.
✔️ Tokhu Emong
✔️ Sound Summit – Australia
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