Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms (08 Nov 17)

By | November 8, 2017

Important 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (08-11-2017):-

1) Arduous  (adjective) (कठिन): ar-du-ous
Meaning – demanding great effort or labour, difficult
Synonyms –  taxing, difficult, hard.
Antonyms – easy , effortless , simple
Sentence – Last semester was a piece of cake, but taking seven classes along with an internship this semester is going to be arduous.

2) Coax  (Verb)  (मनाना):- co-axe
Meaning – persuade gradually
Synonyms – Cajole , urge , induce
Antonyms- Discourage, dissuade
Sentence – My company thought they could coaxme into accepting a demotion amicably , but I switched to a better offer.

3)Formidable  (Adjective) (दुर्जेय):    fawr-mi-duh-bull
Meaning –  something that inspires fear
Synonyms – taxing, difficult, hard/strenuous.
Antonyms – pleasant , harmless
Sentence – No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition.

4) Testament  (Noun) (गवाह ,सबूत) : tes-tuh-ment
Meaning –  a thing or incident that acts as evidence or proof of a fact or event
Synonyms – witness/evidence, proof, attestation.
Antonyms – Accusation, denial
Sentence – His story of accomplishment is atestament that hard work breeds success.

5) Disarray (Noun) (अव्यवस्था)  –  dis-er-ey
Meaning – in a state of disorder
Synonyms –  disorder, confusion, chaos, disorganization, untidiness.
Antonyms – order, structure, hierarchy
Sentence – Without a real leader, the political party is in disarray.

6) Awe (Noun) (भय) : aw
Meaning – the sensation one gets from a shock or surprise
Synonyms -shock, wonder, amaze
Sentence –  After I watched the action movie, I was left in awe by the spectacular special effects.

7)Hurdle (Noun)  – (बाधा)  – Hur-dals
Meaning – a problem or difficulty that must be overcome.
Synonyms –  obstacle, difficulty, problem, barrier
Antonyms – clear path
Sentence – The government will have to face several hurdles before it gets this unwanted legislation through Parliament.

8)Grapple with (phrasal verb) – ( निपटना,हाथापाई करना )  -grap-ul
Meaning – to wrestle or struggle
Synonyms – tackle, confront; deal with/face.
Antonyms – release, support, let go
Sentence – Do not think that you are the only one who is facing a hard time, everyone needs tograpple with the obstacles in life sooner or later.

9)  Triumph  (Noun) (विजय)  – tri-umph
Meaning – a final success or victory
Synonyms –  win, victory, success
Antonyms -defeat, disappointment, loss
Sentence –  Raman will have a party to celebrate his career triumph of getting the joining letter of the desired Bank.

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