Important 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (13-11-2017):-
1)Fleeting (adjective) (क्षणभंगुर) : flee-ting
Meaning – occurring for only a brief time
Synonyms -transient ,momentary , short-lived
Antonyms – perpetual, everlasting, enduring
Example -During the winter months, we are happy to get a fleeting day of warm temperatures.
2)Disentangle (verb) (सुलझाना): dis-en-tang-gull
Meaning – to untangle something
Synonyms: unravel, free, untie
Antonyms – entangle, twist, complicate
Example – As we walked through the jungle, we stopped several times to disentangle ourselves from the hanging vines.
3) Churn (noun) (मंथन): Churn
Meaning – messed up state
Synonyms -agitate, swirl
Antonyms – unruffled, embed, freeze
Example -The restaurant scene is a never-ending churn of openings and closings.
4) Manoeuvred (verb )(पैंतरेबाज़ी): muh-noo-ver
Meaning -a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
Synonyms – controlled, functioned, intrigued
Example -He manoeuvred the car rapidly and avoided the truck.
5) Crutch(noun) (बैसाखी): kruhch
Meaning – a long stick with a crosspiece at the top, used as a support under the armpit by a lame person.
Synonyms – support, prop, bolster
Antonyms -afflict, devastate
Example – He is almost like and emotional crutchfor me.
6)Oblige(verb ) (सहायता): ouh-blahyj
Meaning -perform a good deed for someone
Synonyms – require, compel,necessitate
Antonyms – disobey, disappoint
Example – If you would like to see certain things on your tour, please tell the guide so she can oblige your requests if time permits.
7) Yield (verb) ( आत्मसमर्पण): eeld
Meaning – to bow out
Synonyms – relinquish, surrender, hand over
Antonyms – deny, defend
Example – Since I do not know a great deal about the subject, I will yield this question to my well-informed colleague.
8) Axe (verb)( हटाना ): axe
Meaning -end, cancel or dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly.
Synonyms – terminate, drop, abandon.
Antonyms -keep, defend, acquire
Example -The project has been axed because it’s simply too expensive to run.
9) Ditch (verb) ( छोड़ देना ): dich
Meaning -get rid of or give up.
Synonyms -leave, abandon; drop.
Antonyms -hold, stay, togetherness
Example: Plans for the hill station have been ditched seeing the heavy rain.