English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms (16 November 17)

By | November 16, 2017

Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (16-11-2017):

1. Prerogative (noun): (A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.) (विशेषाधिकार)
Synonyms: Entitlement, Exclusive Right, Privilege, Advantage, Perquisite, Authority.
Antonyms: Disadvantage, Drawback
Example: The president has the prerogative to declare a state of emergency when necessary.

2. Caesar’s wife (phrase): (A person who is required to be above suspicion.) (संदेह से परे होना/किसी व्यक्ति का)
Synonyms: Blameless, Guiltless, Inculpable, Irreproachable.
Antonyms: Guilty, Sinful, Blameful.
Example: After my wife’s scandal derailed my presidential bid, I understood why Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion.

3. Puritanical (adjective): Having or displaying a very strict or censorious moral attitude./ practicing very strict moral or religious behavior. (सख़्त/नैतिकतावादी)
Synonyms: Priggish, Tight-Laced, Moralistic, Prudish.
Antonyms: Immoral, Corrupt.
Example: No one could make a decent grade in Ms. Prude’s class since this puritanical teacher mandated every assignment to be perfect.

4. Congenitally (adverb): Existing since birth/ present from birth. (जन्म से/शुरुआत से)
Synonyms: Intrinsically Genetically, By Birth, From Beginning, Since Inception.
Example: Due to a congenital heart condition that ran in their family, the parents were worried about their unborn child.
Related words:
Congenital (adjective) – Constituting an essential characteristic (जन्मजात)
Origin: from con- ‘together’ + genitus (past participle of gignere ‘beget’) + -al.

5. Set off (phrasal verb): Begin a journey. / put in motion or move to act (शुरू करना/आरंभ करना)
Synonyms: Start Out, Set Forth, Sally Forth, Embark on , Begin.
Antonyms: Arrive, End, Finish, Complete.
Example: By scoring century in his debut match, the batsman set off his his career in a splendid way.
Verb forms: Set off, Set off, Set off

6. Vacuous (adjective): (Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence) (खाली/भावशून्य/असार)
Synonyms: Airheaded, Blank Minded, Inane, Stupid, Unintelligent.
Antonyms: Meaningful, Thinking, Intelligent.
Example: Although he had never been on an airplane, the old man could not resist making vacuous remarks about airline safety.
Related words:
Vacuously (adverb) – खोखले ढंग से
Vacuousness (noun) – भावशून्यता
Origin: from Latin vacuus ‘empty’ + -ous.

7. Perverse (adjective): (Contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice.) (पथभ्रष्ट/विकृत)
Synonyms: Irrational, Contradictory, Deviant, Anomalous
Antonyms: Compliant, Reasonable.
Example: Although I tried not to hold a grudge, I felt perverse joy when I learned my mean supervisor had been fired.
Related words:
Pervert (noun) – A person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.
Origin: from Latin pervertere, from per- ‘thoroughly, to ill effect’ + vertere ‘to turn’.

8. Probity (noun): The quality of having strong moral principles; (सत्यनिष्ठा)
Synonyms: Integrity, Honesty, Uprightness, Decency, Morality, Rectitude
Antonyms: Corruption, Dishonesty, Partiality, Unfairness
Example: The person who returned the stolen necklace to the police showed a great deal of probity.
Origin: from Latin probus ‘good’.

9. Steadfastly (adverb): (In a resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering manner.) (दृढ़तापूर्वक)
Synonyms: Resolutely, Firmly, Securely, Solidly, Staunchly.
Antonyms: Loosely, waveringly.
Example: The soldiers stood steadfast against the approaching enemy army.
Related words:
Steadfast (adjective) – Faithful to a person, belief, or goal

10. Revere (verb): Feel deep respect or admiration for (something). (सम्मान करना/आदर करना)
Synonyms: Respect, Venerate, Exalt, Regard, Deify
Antonyms: Abhor, Condemn, Criticize, Denounce, Despise, Detest
Example: River Ganga is revered in India.
Verb forms: Revere, Revered, Revered
Related words:
Reverence (noun) – सम्मान
Reverently (adverb) – आदर से

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