English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms (17 November 17)

By | November 18, 2017

Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (17-11-2017):

1. Pass the buck (phrase): (Shift the responsibility for something to someone else.). (जिम्मेदारी से बचना)
Synonyms: Pass on, Slide out of, Dodge, Duck (an onus).
Antonyms: Take up, Undertake (a responsibility).
Example: When the team lost the match, the captain passes the buck to the bowlers.

2. Squabble (noun): (Quarrel about something trivial.) (झगड़ा/तकरार)
Synonyms: Quarrel, Row, Argument, Fight, Contretemps, Altercation
Antonyms: Accord, Agreement, Harmony
Example: She decided to break up with her boyfriend after he felt the need to squabble every time she smiled at another man.
Verb forms: Squabble, Squabbled, Squabbled
Related words:
Squabble (verb) – Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter.
Origin: From Swedish dialect skvabbel ‘a dispute’.

3. Edgy (adjective): (Tense, nervous, or irritable.) (परेशान/घबराया हुआ)
Synonyms: Tense, Nervous, On Edge, Highly Strung, Apprehensive, Uneasy.
Antonyms: Tranquil, Quiet, Serene, Halcyon.
Example: After the plane continued to shake uncontrollably, the passengers began to get edgy for fear of the plane crashing.

4. Citadel (noun): (Lit – a fortress, typically one on high ground above a city./Fig- point of importance) (गढ़/दुर्ग)
Synonyms: Fort, Stronghold, Fortification, Castle, Burg, Alcazar.
Example: Using a large tree stump, the soldiers tried to breach through the citadel walls.
Origin: Based on Latin civitas ‘city’

5. Impromptu (adjective): (Done without being planned or rehearsed.) (तात्कालिक/बिना तैयारी का)
Synonyms: Unrehearsed, Unprepared, Unscripted, Extempore, Unplanned
Antonyms: Planned, Prepared.
Example: Because Jane had an impromptu wedding, she didn’t send out invitations

6. Band-aid (noun): (A temporary solution, especially an unsatisfactory one.) (अस्थायी समाधान)
Synonyms: Quick Fix, Stop Gap, Provisional Solution, Makeshift.
Antonyms: Permanent (Solution).
Example: Implementation of odd-even rule is a band-aid solution to the problem of air pollution in Delhi.

7. Echelon (noun): A level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society. (विभाग/ स्तर)
Synonyms: Level, Rank, Grade, Rung, Tier, Stratum
Example: Only members of society’s highest echelon can afford to own airplanes.
Verb forms: Echelon, Echeloned, Echeloned
Related words:
Echelon (verb) – Arrange in an echelon formation.
Origin: from Latin scala means ladder

8. Superintend (verb): Be responsible for the management or arrangement of (an activity or organization) (संचालन करना/निरीक्षण करना)
Synonyms: Supervise, Oversee, Watch, Conduct
Antonyms: Ignore, Neglect
Example: Parents should superintend their children’s education for their good upbringing.
Verb forms: Superintend, Superintended, Superintended

9. Enshrine (verb): (Preserve (A right, tradition, or idea) in a form that ensures it will be protected and respected.) (सुरक्षित रखना/प्रतिष्ठापित करना)
Synonyms: Conserve, Protect, Care for, Take care of, Safeguard, Preserve.
Antonyms: Abase, Degrade, Demean.
Example: The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education is enshrined in the constitution.
Verb forms: Enshrine, Enshrined, Enshrined

10. Pitch in (phrasal verb): (Vigorously join in to help with a task or activity.) (सहायता करना/शामिल होना)
Synonyms: Lend a hand, Join in, Contribute, Do one’s bit, Chip in, Cooperate, Collaborate.
Antonyms: Hinder, Prevent.
Example: Everyone at the office pitched in to buy a gift for the soon-to-be-wed couple.
Verb forms: Pitched in, Pitched in, Pitched in.

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