English Word/Slang/Idiom/Common Mistake of the Day – 03 Nov 2017

By | November 6, 2017


STURDY (दृढ़ )
WORD DETAILS : showing confidence and determination
USAGE : Ashish Nehra’s sturdy resolve is difficult to match.
आशीष नेहरा के दृढ़ निश्चय का मेल करना कठिन है।
SYNONYMS : vigorous,firm, determined,resolute, unwavering
ANTONYMS : unstable,weak, feeble,frail


Slang of the Day

QC (Quality Control)
✔️ Meaning:
▪️quality control; the methods used to ensure a product is of the required quality

✔️ For example:
▪️There have been a lot of complaints from buyers, so we need to examine our QC processes.
▪️Do you think Lorraine would make a good QC manager?

✔️ Origin: acronym (or initialism) of “Quality Control”



Idiom of the day

Fill Somebody’s Shoes

✔️ Meaning:
▪️If you can fill somebody’s shoes, you can replace them and do what they do.

✔️ For example:
▪️Greg was a great captain for the team so it’ll be difficult to find someone who can fill his shoes now that he’s retiring.
▪️The general manager is training his son to fill his shoes when he passes the business on to him.


Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words

✅ Wrong use of the with proper nouns.

❌ Don’t say: The Sarah will go to the England.

✔️ Say: Sarah will go to England.

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