Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (13 December)

By | December 13, 2017

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (13-12-2017)

1) Pseudonymous(Adjective) – (छद्मनामी) –  soo-don-uh-mus
Meaning – having or using a false or assumed name, writing or written under a false name.
Synonyms – Fake, false, fictitious
Antonyms – Real, actual, original
Example – The famous cricketer likes to be pseudonymous in public places to avoid his fans.

2) Vantage (Adjective) – ( सहूलियत) – want-age
Meaning – place or situation affording some advantage (especially a comprehensive view or commanding perspective)
Synonyms – point of view, standpoint, stand, assistance
Antonyms – disadvantage, disfavor, harm, hindrance
Example – From the vantage point of her ten years ‘seniority in this sector ,  she gave some very  useful tips to her junior.

3) Unanticipated (Adjective)  ( अप्रत्याशित) – un-an-tic-i-pat-ed
Meaning –   not expected or predicted.
Synonyms – Unforeseen, unexpected, sudden
Antonyms – Expected, foreseen, predicted
Example – The budget should include a certain percentage for unanticipated costs.

4) Notoriety (noun) – (बदनामी) – no-ter-ahy-i-tee
Meaning- the state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed, being known for something bad
Synonyms – Disrepute, ill-fame
Antonyms – Anonymity, decency, oblivion
Example – The notoriety of violence in the area keeps many tourists away from visiting that part of the city.

5) Illicit (adjective) (अवैध) – ih-lis-it
Meaning – going against what is considered to be normal
Synonyms – Illegal, unlawful, illegitimate
Antonyms – Legal, licit, legitimate
Example – The greedy company president did not hesitate to engage in illicit practices to increase the size of his annual bonus.

6) Tinkering (verb) (सुधारने की कोशिश करना) –  tink-er-ing
Meaning – attempting to fix something without the required knowledge or skill
Synonyms – Fiddling, pottering, dabbling
Antonyms – Neglecting, ignoring
Example – I spent hours tinkering with my car trying to find out what was wrong with it, but I failed to accomplish anything at all.

7) Footprint (Noun)  –  foot-print
Meaning – the area covered by something, in particular
Synonyms – coverage, impression
Example – With the introduction of free data for a long time , JIO succeeded in covering a very large footprint in country.

8)  Deploy (Verb) (तैनात करना) –  di-ploy
Meaning – to make ready for use or combat
Synonyms – Arrange, order, line up
Antonyms – Withdraw, withhold, retract
Example – To help end the dictator’s rule, the United Nations will deploy troops to the small island country.

9) Intervention (Noun) (हस्तक्षेप) – in-ter-ven-shun
Meaning – the process of becoming purposefully entangled in another’s affairs
Synonyms -Interference, interruption, intrusion
Antonyms – Exasperation, non-interference
Example – Our nation’s intervention in another country’s war could pull us into the crisis.

10) Cushion ( (किसी बुरे प्रभाव को )नरम करना ) – kush-un
Meaning –  something providing support or protection against impact (Noun) , soften or mitigate the effect of an impact on something (Verb) .
Synonyms – protection, shield, lessen, soften
Antonyms – Aggravate , agitate , annoy
Example – To cushion the blow that the workers were showing, wages and pensions were increased.

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