Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (23 December)

By | December 23, 2017

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (23-12-2017)

1) Cogent (Adjective) – (ठोस) – koh-jent
Meaning – clear, logical, and convincing, very clear and easy for the mind to accept and believe
Synonyms – convincing, compelling, strong, forceful, powerful, potent, weighty
Antonyms – vague, unconvincing, muddled
Example –  Because the child was so young, I worked hard to give her cogent answers to her questions.

2) Reek (Verb) – (दुर्गंध आना) – ri-eek
Meaning –  to have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell
Synonyms – stink, smell, smell bad/disgusting
Antonyms –  aroma, perfume, fragrance
Example – The kitchen began to reek because he neglected to take out the garbage.

3) Wary (adjective) (सावधान) – war-ee
Meaning – feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems
Synonyms –  cautious, careful, circumspect, guarded, careful
Antonyms – unwary, inattentive, trustful
Example – Fluffy gave her owners a wary look when they walked in the door with a new puppy.

4) Clinch (Noun)– (कड़ी) – kl-inch
Meaning -confirm or settle (a contract or bargain),
Synonyms – embrace, hug, hold, clasp
Antonyms – lose, unlock, unfasten
Example – The smart businessman wanted to impress the foreign clients to clinch a business deal.

5) Unequivocally (Adverb) (स्पष्ट) –  un-ek-wiv-ok-al-lee
Meaning – in a way that leaves no doubt.
Synonyms – unambiguous, unmistakable, indisputable, incontrovertible, indubitable
Antonyms – equivocal, ambiguous, vague
Example – We unequivocally condemn any violence in the protest.

6) Stature (Noun) (महानता, क़द) –  stach-er
Meaning –  a level of prestige earned for a deed or achievement
Synonyms –    reputation, repute, standing, status, position, prestige, distinction
Antonyms – unimportance, insignificance
Example – As a five-time Grammy winner, Aretha has a huge stature in the music community.

7) Dismissive (Adjective) (खारिज) –  dis-mis-iv
Meaning –   showing disregard, indicating rejection
Synonyms –   contemptuous, disdainful, scornful, sneering, snide, scathing, disparaging, negative, unenthusiastic,
Antonyms – admiring, interested
Example – I realized I was not going to get the role when the director was dismissive during my audition.

8) Articulation (Noun) ( अभिव्यक्ति) –  ar-tik-ou-ley-shun
Meaning – the act of putting into words an idea or feeling of a specified type.
Synonyms –  mispronunciation, disconnection, buzz
Antonyms – denyingly, barredly , blocking
Example – Articulation of a problem helps in efficiently solving it.

9) Pact (Noun)– (संधि) – pa-act
Meaning –  a formal agreement
Synonyms –   agreement, treaty, entente, protocol, deal, contract, settlement, arrangement, bargain, compact,
Antonyms – disagreement, conflict, disagree
Example – The neighbors made a pact to keep an eye on each other’s houses to maintain a safe neighbourhood.

10) At Odds (Phrase) (प्रतिकूल, अंतर पर) – at- odz
Meaning –  in disagreement; quarrelling
Synonyms –   in conflict, in disagreement, on bad terms, at cross purposes, at loggerheads, quarrelling, arguing, clashing
Antonyms – in agreement, compatible, on good terms
Example – An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.

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