Challenging Words In The Article The Hindu (11 December)

By | December 12, 2017

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (11-12-17)

1) Bizzare (Adverb) – (विचित्र) – bi-zare
Meaning – very strange or unusual.
Synonyms –   strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious
Antonyms –  Normal , familiar, regular , common
Example –  Everyone stared at the student who wore the bizarre outfit to school.

2) Vandalism  (Adjective)  ( बर्बरता) – vandal-izm
Meaning –  action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property
Synonyms –    destruction, hooliganism, devastation
Antonyms –  constructiveness, consecration,safeguarding
Example – A group of teens broke into the public library and tore the pages from hundreds of books in a terrible act of vandalism.

3) Sabotage   (Adverb) – (तोड़-फोड़ ) – sabo-tage
Meaning- to deliberately damage or destroy something in order to prevent it from being successful
Synonyms – wreck, deliberately damage,  destroy, obstruct
Antonyms – fix , help , aid
Example – A poor foundation will effectively sabotage even the best-built house.

4)  Demagoguery  (Verb)  – Demo-gawg-ri
Meaning – Approach to manipulate people , an apeal to people that plays on their emotions and prejudices rather than on their rational side
Synonyms – oratory, declamation, elocution

5) Redeem (Verb)(प्रतिदेय) – ri-deem
Meaning – to exchange one thing for money or goods; to buy or pay off
Synonyms –   retrieve, regain, recover, get back, reclaim,
Antonyms –  abandon , disregard
Example – I save my coupons so that I can redeem them at the supermarket.

6) Negotiate  (Noun)  (उपसंहार) –  nego-si-ate
Meaning – to try to reach an agreement or come to terms
Synonyms –  arrange, work out, thrash out, hammer out
Antonyms – disclaim , devolve , disturb
Example – We sat down to negotiate a deal that would satisfy everyone.

7)  Status-quo (Adjective)  (यथास्थिति –  estatus-quo
Meaning – the way things are
Synonyms – State , situation , condition
Antonyms – Reverse , revolution
Example – A lack of desire to change the status quo is the reason for the poor voter turnout at last year’s election.

8)  Pragmatism (Verb) (व्यवहारवाद) –  prag-muh-tiz-um
Meaning – an approach that evaluates theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.
Synonyms –   Realism , prudence
Antonyms – Foolishness , impracticality

9) Converge  (Verb)मिलना) – con-ver-ge
Meaning –  come from different directions and meet at (a place).
Synonyms – Focus , meet , gather
Antonyms – diverge , disburse , divide
Example – Half a million sports fans will convergeon the capital for the London Marathon.

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