Daily Vocabulary ( 13 Dec 2017 ) : 5 Words
Synonyms: insidious , betraying
Antonyms: honest, reliable
Example Sentence: Ravikar proved to be the most perfidious person in our society.
2. INDUCT (VERB): Conscript
Synonyms: enlist, inaugurate
Antonyms: close, end
Example Sentence: Madhukar inducted new members to our organisation .
Synonyms: bleep, purge
Antonyms: protect, construct
Example Sentence: They expurgated Ravi’s entry from the backdoor.
4. EVASION (NOUN): escape
Synonyms: prevarication, artifice
Antonyms: Directness , frankness
Example Sentence: She tried for evasion in answering the typical questions.
5. DEPRECATE (VERB): derogate
Synonyms: depreciate, expostulate
Antonyms: decline, decrease
Example Sentence: The value of veggies was deprecated on Wednesday .
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