Idiom of the Day
➡ Jog your memory
✔️ Meaning:
▪️If something jogs your memory, it helps you to remember something.
✔️ For example:
▪️The song really jogged my memory and I could clearly picture the scene thirty years ago when my friends and I first heard it.
▪️The police had a sketch of the suspect drawn and showed it to people in the area in the hope of jogging their memories.
Slang of the Day
➡ Place
✔️ Meaning:
▪️Where one lives, home
✔️ For example:
▪️Would you like to come back to my place for a drink?
▪️Can I stay at your place tonight? It’s too late to go back to my place.
Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words
➡ Take an hour, not need an hour, etc.
❌ Don’t say: I’ll need an hour to do that.
✔️ Say: It’ll take me an hour to do that.