Idiom of the Day
➡ Beat the rap
✔️ Meaning:
▪️If someone beats the rap, they avoid being found guilty of a crime.
✔️ For example:
▪️Everyone knows that Jimmy the Snitch did the robbery in Green St., but he beat the rap because he’s in with the cops.
▪️Henry was charged with drunk driving, but his lawyer helped him beat the rap on some technical detail.
✔️ Variety: This idiom is typically used in American English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
Slang of the Day
➡ Twink
✔️ Meaning:
▪️ A young man with boyish good looks
✔️ For example:
▪️There were a lot of cute twinks at the gay club last night.
▪️Did you know that straight men call cute young girls “babes”, and gay men call cute young guys “twinks”?
✔️ Note: This word is common among gay men, though it may not be known at all by other people. If it’s used outside gay circles, it probably won’t be understood.
✔️ Origin: Possibly derived from a U.S. snack cake called a “Hostess Twinkie” which is “golden-colored, sweet and full of cream”, a description which some claim also describes the typical gay image of a “twink”.
Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words
➡ Take or have a shower, not make a shower.
❌ Don’t say: I make a shower every morning.
✔️ Say: I take a shower every morning.
✔️ I have a shower every morning.
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