Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (04-12-2017):
1. Stroll (verb): (Walk in a leisurely way.) (टहलना/ चहलक़दमी करना)
Synonyms: Saunter, Amble, Wander, Promenade, Meander, Take an Excursion.
Antonyms: Run.
Example: In earlier times, kings used to stroll their kingdom in disguise.
Verb forms: Stroll, Strolled, Strolled.
2. Vicinage (noun): (The area near or surrounding a particular place./ proximity in space or relationship.) (आस-पास/निकटता/सामीप्य)
Synonyms: Nearness, Closeness, Proximity, Propinquity, Adjacency, Juxtaposition
Antonyms: Faraway, Distant.
Example: In the vicinity of the police station, the crime rate is very low.
Origin: from Latin vicinus ‘neighbour’.
3. Furore (noun): (An outbreak of public anger or excitement.) (जन आक्रोश)
Synonyms: Ado, Bobbery, Commotion, Hysteria, Outburst.
Antonyms: Calm, Peace, Harmony.
Example: losing a match in 1996 Semifinal of ICC world cup, created a furore in the stadium.
Origin: from Latin furere ‘be mad, rage’.
4. Ensue (verb): (Happen or occur afterwards or as a result.) (परिणामस्वरूप होना/फल होना)
Synonyms: Result, Follow, Develop, Stem, Spring, Derive, Evolve
Antonyms: Cause, Reason
Example: Dehydration will ensue when the body is unable to obtain enough water to maintain its biological functions.
Verb forms: Ensue, Ensued, Ensued
Origin: based Latin on sequi ‘follow’.
5. Collar (verb): (Approach (someone) in order to talk to them.) (सम्बोधित करना/मिलना)
Synonyms: Accost, Address, Speak To, Talk To, Approach.
Example: Since Jane attended the wedding because of her father’s absence, the groom collared him for some words as a humble host.
Verb forms: Collar, Collared, Collared.
6. Conflate (verb): (Combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.) (मिलना/एक साथ होना)
Synonyms: Combine, Unite, Join, Unify, Amalgamate, Consolidate
Antonyms: Divide, Part, Separate, Dissolve
Example: I merely protested that it is simply wrong to conflate the cultural arguments for marriage rights with the political ones.
Verb forms: Conflate, Conflated, Conflated
Related words:
Conflation (noun) – The merging of two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc. into one.
Origin: from Latin con- ‘together’ + flare ‘to blow’.
7. Subsistence (noun): (The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself/ something (food, water, money, etc.) that is required to stay alive) (सत्यता /निर्वाह)
Synonyms: Upkeep, Sustenance, Maintenance, Provender.
Antonyms: Debt, Poverty.
Example: The church was accepting donations of food and clothing for community members in need of subsistence.
Verb forms: Subsist, Subsisted, Subsisted.
Related words:
Subsist (verb) – Maintain or support oneself
Origin: from Latin subsistere ‘stand first
8. Vociferous (adjective): (Expressing or characterized by vehement opinions) / expressed in a very loud or forceful way. (मुखर/कोलाहलकारी)
Synonyms: Vehement, Outspoken, Full-Throated, Clamant.
Antonyms: Low, Quiet, Silent, Soft.
Example: Of all the groups present at the school board meeting, the parents were the most vociferous about their opinions of the new school policies.
Related words:
Vociferously (adverb) – शोर सहित
9. Preponderate (verb): (Be greater in number, influence, or importance.) (प्रबल होना)
Synonyms: Dictate, Domineer, Monopolize, Overshadow, Prevail Over, Rule The Roost.
Antonyms: Surrender, Fall Behind.
Example: The restaurant ran out of food because it was not prepared for such a preponderance of customers on opening day.
Verb forms: Preponderate, Preponderated, Preponderated.
Related words:
Preponderance (noun) – प्राबल्य
10. Canon (noun): (A general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged.) (अधिनियम/कसौटी)
Synonyms: Standard, Norm, Criterion, Measure, Yardstick, Benchmark.
Antonyms: Lawlessness.
Example: A player has to follow the canons of the game.
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