English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms (06 December 17)

By | December 6, 2017

Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (06-12-2017):

1. Antics (noun): Foolish, outrageous, or amusing behaviour. (मूर्खतापूर्ण कृत्य )
Synonyms: Capers, Dido, Frolic, Lark, Tomfoolery.
Antonyms: Sense, Seriousness.
Example: People who do not take themselves or anyone else seriously are most likely to engage in ridiculous antics.
Related words:
Antic (adjective) – grotesque or bizarre.

2. Cachet (noun): The state of being respected or admired (प्रतिष्ठा/रुतबा )
Synonyms: Prestige, Distinction, Status, Standing, Kudos, Snob value, Stature.
Antonyms: Lowliness, Worthlessness.
Example: Consistence performance of Virat Kohli has earned him a cachet in cricket.

3. Gallantry (noun): Courageous behavior, especially in battle. (पराक्रम/वीरता )
Synonyms: Bravery, Courage, Valor, Pluck, Fearlessness, Dauntlessness, Intrepidity.
Antonyms: Cowardice, Fear, Timidity.
Example: Param Veer chakra is the highest military decoration award for displaying distinguished gallantry during wartime.
Related words:
Gallant (adjective) – Fearless and daring

4. Antagonistic (adjective): Unfriendly or unsympathetic/ showing or feeling active opposition or hostility towards someone or something. (विपक्षी/विरोधी )
Synonyms: Hostile, Unfriendly, Antagonistic, Malevolent, Malign.
Antonyms: Aiding, Friendly, Supportive.
Example: In a fairytale, the antagonist is the person who attempts to stop the protagonist from obtaining his happy ending.
Related words:
Antagonist (noun) – प्रतिपक्षी
Origin: from Greek ant- ‘against’ + agōn ‘contest’.

5. Flak (noun): Strong criticism. (आलोचना)
Synonyms: Criticism, Censure, Opprobrium, Denigration
Antonyms: Commendation, Compliment, Praise
Example: The Company received a lot of flak for the product they recalled.

6. Aloof (adjective): Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. (पृथक/अलग/दूर)
Synonyms: Distant, Detached, Remote, Unapproachable
Antonyms: Friendly, Concerned, Attached
Example: As aloof creatures, most cats prefer to be alone.
Related words:
Aloofness (noun) – Meaning a state of being distant, remote.

7. Thumping (adjective): Of an impressive size, extent, or amount. (उल्लेखनीय/ज़बरदस्त )
Synonyms: Extreme, Thoroughly, Immense, Incredible, Remarkable.
Antonyms: Finite, Insignificant, Limited, Little.
Example: In 2014 BJP won the elections with a thumping victory.
Verb forms: Thump, Thumped, Thumped.
Related words:
Thump (verb) – hit or strike heavily

8. Pull up (phrasal verb): Come to a halt. (थामना/रुकना/रोकना )
Synonyms: Stop, Draw up, Come to a stop, Halt, Come to a standstill, Brake.
Antonyms: Continue, Sustain, Progress.
Example: As the plan did not work for the product, the CEO decided to pull it up.
Verb forms: Pull up, Pulled up, Pulled up.

9. Tardiness (noun): The quality or fact of being late; lateness. (मंदी/शिथिलता )
Synonyms: Belatedness, Lateness, Delay, Dilatoriness.
Antonyms: Promptness, Punctuality
Example: Everyone get annoyed with the tardy behavior of Government officials in public offices.
Related words:
Tardy (adjective) – Delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time.
Origin: from Latin tardus ‘slow’.

10. Concerted (adjective): Done with great effort or determination/ jointly arranged or carried out (संगठित/संयुक्त )
Synonyms: Strenuous, Vigorous, Coordinated, Collaborative, Intense.
Antonyms: Mild, Separated.
Example: When workers came together for a concerted protest, employers had no choice but to increase the minimum wage.
Verb forms: Concert, Concerted, Concerted.
Related words:
Concert (verb) – Arrange (something) by mutual agreement or coordination.
Concert (noun) – A musical performance given in public, typically by several performers or of several compositions.
Origin: From Italian concertare ‘harmonize’.

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