English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms (25 December 17)

By | December 26, 2017

Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (25-12-2017):

1. Indigenization (noun): (Act of making something more native) (देशीकरण)
Synonyms: Nationalization, Naturalization, Acculturation.
Example: The marine scientists were confused when they found a species of fish that was not indigenous to the ocean water.
Related words:
Indigenous (adjective) – Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place
Origin: from Latin indigena ‘a native’

2. Sobriety (noun): (The state of being sober/ the quality of being staid or solemn.) (गम्भीरता)
Synonyms: Seriousness, Solemnity, Thoughtfulness, Somberness, Severity, Staidness.
Antonyms: Intemperance.
Example: A Chinese proverb advises, If you want to quit drinking, just look at a drunkard when you’re sober.
Related words:
Sober (adjective) – Serious, sensible, and solemn/ not affected by alcohol; not drunk.

3. Imperium (noun): (Absolute power) (परमसत्ता)
Synonyms: Sovereignty, Hegemony, Paramountcy, Supremacy.
Antonyms: Subordination, Subservience.
Example: Once Britain possessed imperium over most of the world.
Origin: From Latin imperare ‘to command’.

4. Forthwith (adverb): (Immediately; without delay.) (तत्काल/तुरंत)
Synonyms: Immediately, At once, Instantly, This/that instant, In/like a flash, Instantaneously.
Antonyms: Later, Lately.
Example: The CEO liked Jim’s eco-friendly ideas so much he ordered the policies to be enacted forthwith and without delay.

5. Catastrophic (adjective): (Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.) (विनाशकारी/प्रलयंकर)
Synonyms: Calamitous, Ruinous, Tragic, Cataclysmic.
Antonyms: Blessed, Fortunate, Advantageous
Example: Because of the severe drought, 1899 famine was quite catastrophic for farmers.
Related words:
Catastrophically (adverb) – भयंकर रूप से
Catastrophe (noun) – An event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

6. Privy (adjective): (Sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private)) (मर्म भेदी)
Synonyms: Aware of, Acquainted With, Informed of, Apprised of, Cognizant of
Antonyms: Unaware, Unknowing.
Example: A psychologist should be privy to his patient’s thoughts and emotions.

7. Naively (adverb): (In a way that shows a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.) (निष्कपट/भोला-भाला/सीधा)
Synonyms: Ingenuously, Unworldly, Greenly, Artlessly.
Antonyms: Intelligently, Sophisticatedly, Wisely.
Example: If you believe every word that politician says, then you are a very naive person.
Related words:
Naive (adjective) – (Of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

8. Faux pas (noun): (An embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation/ a social blunder that is quite embarrassing) (भारी भूल/ सामाजिक गलती)
Synonyms: Gaffe, Blunder, Mistake, Error, Misconduct, Misstep.
Antonyms: Correctness.
Example: Because Frank made a gigantic faux pas at the Christmas party last year, he is not invited to this year’s event.

9. Aggravate (verb): Make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious. (बिगाड़ देना/और खराब करना)
Synonyms: Exacerbate, Exasperate, Worsen, Ruin.
Antonyms: Delight, Make good, Soothe, Appease.
Example: Not wanting to aggravate my father, I decided not to give him my report card.
Verb forms: Aggravate, Aggravated, Aggravated
Related words:
Aggravation (noun)- The state of becoming worse or more serious

10. Tribulation (noun): A cause of great trouble or suffering/ a state of great trouble or suffering. (पीड़ा/दुःख)
Synonyms: Affliction, Ordeal, Hardship, Tragedy, Trauma.
Antonym: Delight, Comfort, Contentment, Pleasure
Example: Knowing that her son has been suffering from cancer led her to the tribulation.

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