English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms (27 December 17)

By | December 28, 2017

Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (27-12-2017):

1. Shanty (noun): (A small, crudely built shack.) (छोटा सा झोंपड़ा)
Synonyms: Shack, Hut, Lean-to, Hovel, Bothy, Shieling.
Example: Although the one room shanty wasn’t much to look at, it provided ice fisherman much needed shelter from the bitter wind.
Origin: from Canadian French (Canadian French refers to a variety of dialects of the French language generally spoken in Canada. ) chantier ‘lumberjack’s cabin, logging camp’.

2. August (adjective): (Much-admired and respected) (महत्वपूर्ण/उत्कृष्ट/प्रतिष्ठित)
Synonyms: Distinguished, Respected, Eminent, Venerable, Illustrious, Prestigious, Honored, Acclaimed.
Antonyms: Undignified, Dishonorable, Criticized.
Example: When Maggie learned the party was at the august nightclub, she was excited by the thought of meeting some of her favorite celebrities.
Origin: From Latin Latin augustus ‘consecrated, venerable’.

3. Eternize (verb): (Make eternal; cause to live or last forever.) (अविरत बनाना)
Synonyms: Immortalize, Keep alive, Cause to continue, Prolong indefinitely.
Antonyms: Discontinue, Halt, Cease, Stop.
Example: If no one does anything to fight crime in the country, then the problem only seems to eternize itself.
Verb forms: Eternize, Eternized, Eternized.
Related words:
Eternity (noun) – Infinite or unending time.
Origin: from Latin aeternus ‘without beginning or end’

4. Flail (verb): (Flounder; struggle uselessly.) (अटकना/लड़खड़ाना)
Synonyms: Falter, Lurch, Struggle, Waver, Wobble.
Antonyms: Prosper, Get On.
Example: The new swimmer had to flail in the deep end until the lifeguard dragged him to safety.
Verb forms: Flail, Flailed, Flailed.

5. Encumbrance (noun): (An impediment or burden.) (ऋणभार/रुकावट/बाधा)
Synonyms: Hindrance, Obstruction, Obstacle, Impediment, Restraint, Imposition, Burden.
Antonyms: Aid, Help, Assistance.
Example: If she had known how much of an encumbrance her student debt would be, she would have found a different way to finance her education.
Verb forms: Encumber, Encumbered, Encumbered.
Related words:
Encumber (verb) – Restrict or impede (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.
Origin: from Old French encombrer ‘block up’, from en- ‘in’ + combre ‘river barrage’.

6. Frangible (adjective): Able to be broken into fragments/not strong or sturdy. (अस्थायी/भंगुर)
Synonyms: Breakable, Brittle, Crumbly, Delicate, Feeble, Flimsy, Frail.
Antonyms: Strong, Firm, Sturdy, Robust.
Example: Frangible toys are not suited for young children since their small, separable pieces are choking hazards.
Origin: from Latin frangere ‘to break’.

7. Bedrock (noun): (The fundamental principles on which something is based.) (आधार-शिला/मूल)
Synonyms: Core, Basis, Base, Foundation, Roots, Backbone, Essence, Nitty-Gritty.
Antonyms: Weak Point.
Example: Honesty is the bedrock of a good relationship.

8. Out of-the-box (phrase): (Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional.) (सबसे अलग)
Synonyms: Unusually Good, Exceptionally Well, Remarkably Good, Extra Special.
Antonyms: Clichéd, Conventional, Hackneyed.
Example: To make the newly launched product successful, the CEO announced an out of the box strategy.

9. Red-tapism (idiom): (The practice of requiring excessive paperwork and tedious procedures before official action can be considered orcompleted.) (दफ्तरशाही)
Synonyms: Official delay, Obstructive policy, Bureaucratic stall.
Antonyms: Advantageous, Aiding (of policies or administration)
Example: In India generally public welfare projects are delayed due to red-tapism.

10. Contagion (noun): Literal – spread by close contact (a disease)/figurative- The spreading of a harmful idea or theory. (संक्रमण/स्पर्श संचार)
Synonyms: Contamination, Infection, Blight, Transmission (of disease or A theory)
Antonyms: cleanliness.
Example: Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of the fatal contagion.
Origin: from Latin contagio, from con- ‘together with’ + the base of tangere ‘to touch’.

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