Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (04 January)

By | January 4, 2018

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (04-01-2018)

1)Complacency (noun)  (आत्मसंतोष ) :  kum-pley-sun-see
Meaning – a feeling of self-satisfaction that makes one unaware of one’s environment, a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.
Synonyms –   smugness, contentment, self-approval, self-approbation
Antonyms -Altruism, disappointment, anxiousness
Example – With a sense of complacency, the foolish rabbit took a nap during his race against the turtle.

2)Apportion(verb) (बांटना):  ap-por-tion
Meaning – to distribute in a fair way
Synonyms – share out, divide out, allocate, distribute
Antonyms – aggregate, amalgamate, amass, append
Example – At the orphanage, we apportionafternoon snacks so that all children get at least one juice and one snack.

3)Bolster (noun) (मजबूत, सुदृढ़ बनाना ):  bohl-ster
Meaning – to make something stronger or bolder
Synonyms – strengthen, support, reinforce
Antonyms – obstruct, stop, undermine, weaken
Example – If you want to feel better about yourself, you need to bolster your self-esteem.

4)Sovereign (noun) (प्रभुत्व): sov-rin
Meaning –  exercising its own authority, possessing supreme or ultimate power.
Synonyms-:    supreme, absolute, unlimited, unrestricted, unrestrained
Antonyms –   dependent, peasant, non-governmental
Example –  Most of the citizens of Puerto Rico would like to end their association with the United States and become a completelysovereign country.

5)Garner (verb) (संचित करना) – gahr-ner
Meaning – gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).
Synonyms –   accumulate, amass, assemble
Antonyms – disperse ,distribute , dissipate ,scatter
Example – The actor hopes to garner interest in his film by promoting it on several tv shows.

6)Sluggishness (noun)  (सुस्ती,निष्क्रियता) -s lug-gish-ness
Meaning – slow-moving or inactive, slow to respond or make progress.
Synonyms – idleness, lethargy, indolence
Antonyms – preparedness, alacrity, agility
Example -Due to sluggishness in country’s economy, foreign investors showed indecisiveness in investing there.

7)Slippage (noun) (रपट, फिसलन) –  slip-ij
Meaning – failure to meet a standard or deadline, the action or process of slipping or subsiding.
Synonyms- disappointment, flop, downfall
Antonyms  – success, blessing, win
Example –  Slippage on any job will entail slippage on the overall project.

8)Consolidation(noun)  (समेकन ) – kun-sol-i-dey-shun
Meaning – the action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole ,the action or process of making something stronger or more solid.
Synonyms- integration, union, amalgamation
Antonyms – division, separation, dispersal
Example – A consolidation of data within an enterprise is very important to keep track of the growth.

9)Underwhelm (verb)  (प्रभावित करने में विफल) –  under-whelm
Meaning –  fail to impress or make a positive impact on (someone); disappoint
Synonyms – disappoint, baffle, disenchant, dismay
Antonyms – overwhelm
Example – American voters seem underwhelmedby the choices for president.

10)Traction (noun) –  (संकर्षण ) – trak-shun
Meaning – the action of pulling something over a surface, or the type of power used for pulling
Synonyms – grip, drag, pull
Antonyms – repulsion
Example – We didn’t get traction on this idea until the board took interest in this.

11)Ledger (noun)  (खाता बही) –   lej-er
Meaning – a book in which things are regularly recorded, especially business activities and money received or paid
Synonyms – account book, record book, register, registry, log
Example –  The Bitcoin blockchain is the public, shared ledger that keeps track of payments in the Bitcoin network.

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