Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (14 January)

By | January 30, 2018

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (14-01-2018)

1)Harangue (verb)  ( उग्र भाषण देना): haran-guwe
Meaning – a loud and aggressive speech; verbal attack
Synonyms-:  lecture, preach (in an aggressive and critical manner).
Antonyms – tribute, eulogy, accolade
Example – The candidate’s speech was nothing but a harangue against his opponent.

2)Diktat (noun) ( फरमान):  dik-tat
Meaning –  an order or decree imposed by someone in power without popular consent.
Synonyms –  bill, regulation, decree.
Antonyms – Quest , appeal , plea
Example –  The school president issued a diktat that teachers may not wear jeans to work.

3)Coercive (adjective) (बलपूर्वक) :  co-ar-cive
Meaning –  relating to or using force or threats.
Synonyms – authoritarian, imperious, high-handed.
Antonyms – conditional ,constitutional ,discretionary
Example – The president relied on the coercive powers of the military.

4)Presume (verb)  (मानना):   pre-zume
Meaning –  to suppose something to be true without proof
Synonyms-: assume, expect, speculate.
Antonyms – Doubt , disbelieve , learn
Example – – Since he repaid a previous loan, the lender went on to presume that he would pay the new one.

5) Prescribe (verb)  (निर्धारित करना) – pres-cribe
Meaning – state authoritatively or as a rule that (an action or procedure) should be carried out.
Synonyms –   stipulate, lay down, determine/establish.
Antonyms – Deregulate , avoid , abolish
Example – Rules prescribing five acts for a play are purely arbitrary.

6) Patron (noun)(ग्राहक) – pay-tron
Meaning – an individual who frequents a specific bar, eatery, or other company
Synonyms-:   customer, client, frequenter.
Antonyms – Detractor , owner
Example – Because Laura is an avid reader, she is a frequent patron at my bookstore.

7)Lay down (phrasal verb)  (निर्दिष्ट करना) – lay-dawn
Meaning – to state officially what someone must do or how they must do it
Synonyms- formulate, stipulate, frame.
Antonyms -annihilate, eradicate
Example – The EU has laid down tough standards for water quality.

8)Contend (verb)  (ज़ोर देना,संघर्ष करना) – con-tend
Meaning – to argue or challenge
Synonyms-  assert, maintain, claim/insist.
Antonyms – collaborate,  surrender
Example – The environmentalists contend the marine ecosystem is being destroyed at an alarming rate because of human pollution.

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