Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (24 January)

By | January 24, 2018

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (24-01-2018)

1) Ephemeral (verb) (अल्पकालिक) : ep-hem-ral
Meaning –  lasting for a very short time.
Synonyms –  transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, momentary
Antonyms – Permanent, Eternal, endless, lasting
Example –  Fashions are ephemeral, new trends regularly drive out the old.

2) Envisage (verb) (परिकल्पना) : en-vis-age
Meaning – contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.
Synonyms –  foresee, predict, forecast, foretell
Antonyms – disregard, ignore
Example -You cannot envisage what the circumstances will be in twenty years’ time.

3) Grappling (verb) (जूझना) : grapp-ling
Meaning – Engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons
Synonyms –  wrestle, struggle, tussle
Antonyms – Agree, avoid, dodge
Example – Today, many Indians in America are still grappling with the issue of race.

4) Soar (verb) (ऊंची उड़ान भरना,इज़ाफ़ा होना) : soar-ing
Meaning – increase rapidly above the usual level.
Synonyms – shoot up,  escalate, fly up
Antonyms – fall, plummet, dwindle
Example – The cost of living continued to soar in the metro cities.

5) Stray (verb) (भटकना) : Stray-ing
Meaning -Move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place.
Synonyms – wander off, go astray, drift, get separated
Antonyms – remain, stay
Example – The military arrested anyone whostrayed into the exclusion zone’

6) Squeeze (verb) (दबाव,  हानिकारक प्रभाव होना) : es-queze
Meaning -(especially in a financial or commercial context)have a damaging or restricting effect on.
Synonyms –  Force, compress, press, crush, squash
Antonyms – powerlessness, release, weakness, opening
Example – The economy is being squeezed by foreign debt repayments.

7) Populism  (verb) (लोकलुभावनवाद) : popu-lism
Meaning – support for the concerns of ordinary people
Example – The French Revolution against the monarchy was an act of populism, the French citizens saw great injustice and came together as a group to fight against the King.

8) Round the corner   (verb) (बहुत निकट) : Ja-ring
Meaning – very near
Synonyms – close by, nearby, next to
Antonyms – far, distant, remote
Example -As it is the month of March, summers are just round the corner.

9) Altar (verb) (बलिवेदी) : al-tar
Meaning – Make someone or something suffer in the interests of.
Synonyms – trouble, difficulty, disaster
Antonyms – ease, delight
Example – No businessman is going to sacrifice his company on the altar of such altruism.

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