Daily Vocabulary ( 03 Jan 2018 ) : 5 Words
1. FLAIL (VERB): strike
Synonyms: bash, smash
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Example Sentence: The teacher flailed the students as a punishment.
Synonyms: entwine, tangle
Antonyms: untangle, untwist
Example Sentence: They intertwined the wires and got an electric shock.
3. AVERSE (ADJECTIVE): opposing
Synonyms: antagonistic, hostile
Antonyms: amiable, sympathetic
Example Sentence: The averse members were dealt with quietly.
4. HAMPER (VERB): restrict
Synonyms: curb, hinder
Antonyms: encourage, assist
Example Sentence: Our progress has got hampered due to bad weather.
Synonyms: favorable, contributive
Antonyms: worthless, unconducive
Example Sentence: Their efforts are conducive for maintaining peace in the valley.
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