Daily Vocabulary (13 Jan 2018 ) : 5 Word
1. HYPOCRITE (NOUN): person who pretends, is deceitful
Synonyms: charlatan, trickster
Antonyms: true, genuine
Example Sentence: His friend wrongly said that he was a hypocrite.
2. HEARSAY (NOUN): unsubstantiated information
Synonyms: rumors, grapevine
Antonyms: reality, truth
Example Sentence: One should not believe in hearsay.
3. TEEM (VERB): Overflow
Synonyms: overrun, full
Antonyms: lack, need
Example Sentence: The sagas teem with references to the inhabitants.
4. VARNISH (VERB): add a layer to; embellish
Synonyms: lacquer, cover
Antonyms: uncover, reveal
Example Sentence: The painter varnished the doors.
5. COY (ADJECTIVE): bashful
Synonyms: skittish, timid
Antonyms: aggressive, forward
Example Sentence: Saloni gave him a coy smile.
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