Daily Vocabulary ( 18 Jan 2018 ) : 5 Word
Synonyms: noticeable, salient
Antonyms: inconspicuous, unremarkable
Example Sentence: During the summer season, the flies are very conspicuous all around.
2. ECSTASY (NOUN): joy
Synonyms: felicity, enchantment
Antonyms: misery, woet
Example Sentence: He was famous for his ecstasy of the passion.
3. REGRESS (VERB): Fall back
Synonyms: back slide, retreat
Antonyms: develop, forge
Example Sentence: Many students start regressing into the practice of not studying once they get A position in the class.
4. DYSPATHY (NOUN): Animosity
Synonyms: Aversion, animus
Antonyms: love, rapport
Example Sentence: My dyspathy for John is so great that I can not stand to be around him.
Synonyms: Nebulous, Baggy
Antonyms: Definite, Distinct
Example Sentence: I could not make an idea because the painting was amorphous.
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