Daily 5 English Vocab Words in Detail – 21 January

By | January 22, 2018

Daily Vocabulary ( 21 Jan 2018 ) : 5 Word
Synonyms: blunt, arrant
Antonyms: clothed, indefinite
Example Sentence: Manisha expressed stark criticism regarding black-money.

2. ANGUISH (NOUN): pain
Synonyms: affliction, desolation
Antonyms: euphoria, delight
Example Sentence: The patients admitted to Safdarjung hospital were in anguish.

Synonyms: relentless, astringent
Antonyms: facile, temperate
Example Sentence: He was given a severe punishment.

4. CONSCIENTIOUSLY (ADVERB): painstakingly
Synonyms: laboriously, warily
Antonyms: inadequately, carelessly
Example Sentence: He was performing his job conscientiously.

5. FLAW (NOUN): imperfection
Synonyms: blemish, defect
Antonyms: advantage, perfection
Example Sentence: Having too many friends is not a character flaw, she said


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