Phrasal Verb of the Day
➡ Show up
✔ Meaning:
▪ To arrive at an event or a place where people are gathering
✔ For example:
▪ Show up I’m sure some of the people who showed up at our gallery opening were only there for the free drinks.
▪ Show up Kenny and his friends didn’t show up at the party until after midnight.
✔ Note: Often used in a negative way, to describe people who arrive somewhere late, arrive uninvited, or who arrive in poor condition, such as drunk or poorly dressed.
Idiom of the Day
➡ Feel the pinch
✔ Meaning:
▪ If you are feeling the pinch, you’re finding it harder to survive on your income.
✔ For example:
▪ Since the price of oil went up, lots of businesses have been feeling the pinch.
▪ Inflation has been pretty bad recently, so we’ve all been feeling the pinch.
Daily One #Common_mistakes with #Confused_words
➡ Complain about, not for.
❌ Don’t say: Annette complained for the weather.
✔ Say: Annette complained about the weather.
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