Daily One Liner 15 General Awareness Questions (08 January 2018)

By | January 8, 2018

Daily One Liner : 15 Questions
• The United States has suspended security aid to this nation – Pakistan

• This state government is going to form an education board for non-English medium schools – Maharashtra

• This senior NCP leader passed away on 4 January following prolonged illness – Vasant Davkhare

• This former cricketing legend has been appointed as the coach of the Delhi Daredevils franchise for the upcoming IPL 2018 – Ricky Ponting

• Following the Assam NRC implementation, this state has taken up preventive measures to prevent a possible spillover of illegal migrants to the state – Arunachal Pradesh

• The Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Human Resource Development and the Department of Science & Technology signed a MoU for – Joint funding of Technology Mission for Indian Railways.

• The Health Ministry and Tata Memorial Centre have launched the first digital – Online Oncology Tutorial

• The Defence Ministry has cleared arms procurement contracts worth this much amount for Navy, Army – Rs 2,420 crore

• The National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has approved five projects worth – Rs 295.01 crore

• The Supreme Court of this nation ruled that child’s rights are sacred, cannot be bartered by orphanage in-charges – India


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