Life And Happiness – Daily Essay

By | January 18, 2018

Life And Happiness

“What you like to get is the success but what you get to like is the happiness.”

Happiness is what? We search it outside but It is an inner state of mind, simply when you desire something and you get it then you feel happy. That desires can be anything like a man wants a car and when he gets it then he feels happy, a sudden holiday, vacations, visiting a place or anything which you really want to have, are only the modes or ways of getting happy by fulfilling our desires, in short we want to be happy. Like my internet is not working, when it will work I will feel happy.

But as change is the law of nature, means that change is the law of life .There is nothing fixed in this ever changing world. Change is the order of the world like after every night there is a day and after every day there is a night, similarly happiness and sadness are the two sides of a coin, everyone has to face it no one can escape from it. This statement mainly refers to sadness because no one wants it. But if there is no sadness in our life, then there will be no fun of living. Ups and downs in our life, accelerates the importance of happiness. This gives us strength to face and solve every problem boldly.

Happiness: We rarely feel it.
I would buy it, beg it, steal it,
Pay in coins of dripping blood
for this one transcendent good

“So don’t worry be happy”

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