Revised Integrated Housing Scheme (RIHS)

By | January 29, 2018


Revised Integrated Housing Scheme (RIHS)

▪ The scheme provides housing subsidy of Rs. 1, 50,000/- per worker for construction of a house to be paid in three instalments directly into the bank account of the beneficiaries.

▪ The workers engaged in Beedi/Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore & Chrome Ore Mines (IOMC)/Limestone Ore Mines, Dolomite Ore Mines (LSDM) /Mica Mines and Cine Industries, registered with the Labour Welfare Organisation (LWO) are eligible under this scheme.

▪ The registered worker under LWO should be engaged for one year or more in the respective industry.

▪ They should have Aadhar registration and Jan Dhan / Bank account number.

▪ The applicants should have a homestead land in their name or jointly/severally own with other members of the family or land allotted/leased by State Government/Gram Sabha.

▪ Ministry provides housing subsidy to the workers for construction of houses. The fund allocated for this purpose in the Financial Year 2017-18 is Rs. 60,95,54,000/- and during current year 8000 houses are proposed to be sanctioned. The construction of houses in next financial year depends upon the allocation of budget.

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