Below is the list of Blue based Idioms to learn.
▪ Feeling blue = feeling unhappy
▪ Out of the blue = completely unexpected
▪ To blue pencil something = To censor something
▪ Blue blood = Royal
▪ Blue eyed boy = Favourite
▪ Blue murder = Loud outcry
▪ Blue in the face = To make an enormous but futile effort
▪ Once in a blue moon = Very rarely
▪ To beat black and blue = beat mercilessly
▪ Blue ribbon/ Blue riband = Highest prize in a competition
▪ True blue = Completely loyal
▪ Talk a blue streak = To talk quickly and without stopping
▪ The blues = A state of depression or sadness
▪ Blue collar workers = Unskilled workers
▪ Between the devil and the deep blue sea = To have Two equally unpleasant
▪ Bolt from the blue = Sudden or unexpected shock
▪ Blue stocking = A woman with strong scholarly or literary interests