Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (26 February)

By | February 26, 2018

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (26-02-2018)

1)Reticence (noun)   (अल्पभाषिता):  reti-sense
Meaning –  not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings, wanting to avoid communication /to keep one’s thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself.
Synonyms – reserve, introversion, restraint, inhibition, diffidence, shyness, modesty
Antonyms- communicative,extrovert,outgoing,unreserved,unrestrained
Example –  The students who like reticence and do not express their opinions and ideas in class discussions, rarely make progress.

2)Rejoinder (noun)  (प्रत्युत्तर):  re-join-dar
Meaning-a reply, especially a sharp or witty one.
Synonyms -: answer, reply, response, retort, riposte, counter, sally
Antonyms- inquiry, query, question
Example -She always has a witty rejoinder to any question.

3)Strife (noun)  (कलह):  es-trife
Meaning –  angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues/struggle or conflict
Synonyms – conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension
Antonyms-  harmony, peace, cooperation
Example – When the political strife ended, the two parties were able to reach an agreement on the legislative bill.

4)Insurgency (noun)   (विद्रोह):  in-surge-ency
Meaning –  an active revolt or uprising/an occasion when a group of people attempt to take control of their country/state by force
Synonyms – insurrection, mutiny, outbreak, rebellion, revolt
Antonyms- counterinsurgency, counterrevolution
Example -In Kashmir, grappling with insurgency appears to be the daily assignment with no end in sight.

5)Evoke (verb)   (पुकारना): e-voke
Meaning -bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind.
Synonyms – invoke, bring forth, elicit, induce, stir up, awaken, arouse
Antonyms- disregard, forget, ignore, neglect
Example -The sight of the village evokedpleasant memories of his childhood.

6)Stray (verb) (भटकना ):  es-tray
Meaning –  to move around/move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place/get off the subject
Synonyms –  go astray, drift, digress, deviate
Antonyms-  orderly, organized, regular, systematic
Example – Bored in class, Raman’s eyes began tostray and wander around the room.

Idioms/Phrases in the article  –
7)Go on (phrasal verb) (जारी रखना ):
Meaning –   to continue happening or doing something as before
Synonyms – continue, proceed
Antonyms- cease,condemn,discontinue,
Example – Things will go on like this way if the company does not take any effective steps.

8)Call upon (phrasal verb)   (अपील करना ):
Meaning –  To choose, request, obligate, order, or demand someone to do something
Synonyms –  ask, urge, address, call, demand
Antonyms- dissuade,ignore,renounce
Example – Yesterday the president called upon world leaders everywhere to promote open and fair trade between countries.

9)Keep out (phrasal verb)   (दूर रहना/दूर रखना  ):
Meaning –  to prevent someone or something from entering a place
Synonyms – exclude, ban, prohibit, deny, disallow
Antonyms- accept, admit, approve
Example –  The teacher is in an angry mood, sokeep out of her way.

10)Off-the-cuff (phrase)   (तुरत-फुरत /तैयारी के बिना):
Meaning –  without preparation.
Synonyms – impromptu, extempore
Antonyms- deliberate, planned
Example –  I hadn’t prepared a speech so I just said a few words off the cuff.

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