Deadlines of Government Schemes and Programs

By | February 7, 2018

List of some important deadlines of schemes, yojnas and programs launched by government.

▪ No service charge on train e-ticket====>Till March 2018

▪ Reviews project CHAMAN likely to be completed By====>March 2018

▪ Elimination of leprosy====>2018

▪ Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar yojana ‘ Saubhagya’ to provide electrical connections to over 4 crore families in rural & urban areas====>By Dec 2018

▪ Govt. extends GSTR-1 deadline====>till January 10, 2018

▪ To make all Railway Station 100% LED lit by====>31st March 2018

▪ Indian government extends the deadline to add support for Indian languages in mobile phones====>to February 2018

▪ Aadhaar Card linked with bank account, PAN card, Financial services like Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificates (NSC), Krishan Vikash Patra, mobile phone number====>31st March 2018

▪ The Indian government has a target to make India ‘Open. Defecation Free’====>by 2019

▪ Indian Railways equip all 8,500 station with Wi-Fi by====>March 2019

▪ Interest Subsidy Scheme on home loans for MIG extended to====>March 2019

▪ India to be 3rd largest Aviation market====>By 2019

▪ India to become the world’s 5th largest economy====>By 2019

▪ To provide high-speed broadband service in all Gram Panchayats====>By March 2019

▪ All trains to have Bio-Toilets====>March 2019

▪ India’s first mission to study the Sun scheduled====>2019

▪ NBCC to redevelop 10 railway station====>by 2020

▪ The government approved the biggest highway construction plan so far in the country, to develop approximately 83,677 km of roads at an investment of Rs 6.92 lakh crore====>by 2022

▪ Government’s target to install 60 Giga watt wind power capacity====>By 2022

▪ The Bullet Train is targeted to run between Mumbai and Ahmedabad track====>By 2023

▪ Elimination of TB====>2025

▪ India’s deadline for converting all vehicles into electric vehicles (EVs)====>by 2030

▪ India misses 2017 deadline for Kala Azar elimination====>2017

▪ Elimination of measles====>By 2020

▪ Reduce premature mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases by 25 percent====>by 2025

▪ Reduce under-five mortality to 23 (per 1,000 live births)====>by 2024

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