Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (01-03-2018)
*Challengeing Words In The Article The Hindu*
1)Stature (noun) (उच्चता,महानता): sta-chur
Meaning – a level of prestige earned for a deed or achievement
Synonyms – reputation, status, prestige
Antonyms – disgrace, dishonour, disrepute, ignominy
Example – As a five-time Grammy winner, Aretha has a huge stature in the music community.
2)Stint (noun) (कार्यकाल): es-tint
Meaning – a span of time in which a person is occupied with a particular job or in a particular place
Synonyms – time, term, session, spell
Example – During my stint in the military, I travelled to many different countries.
3)Oversee (verb) (देखरेख): over-c
Meaning – supervise (a person or their work), especially in an official capacity.
Synonyms – supervise, manage, control
Antonyms – ignore,neglect,follow,obey
Example – The Home Secretary oversees the police service.
4)Profess (adjective) (ढोंग करना): pro-fes
Meaning – to make claims about yourself that other people do not believe/claim, often falsely, that one has (a quality or feeling).
Synonyms – declared, avowed, confirmed
Example – Even though the men profess to be police officers, they are not law enforcement agents so do not allow them in your home.
5)Groom (verb) (तैयार करना ): gr-u-m
Meaning – prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
Synonyms – prepare, prime, make ready, ready, condition, tailor
Antonyms -destroy, discourage
Example – The horses are being groomed for the competition.
6)Chaotic (adjective) (अराजक): chao-tik
Meaning – disordered; hectic
Synonyms – confused, in disarray, disorganized.
Antonyms – orderly
Example – A confusing and chaotic scene took place in the mall when a toddler wandered off from his mother.
*Idioms and Phrases:-*
7)Set apart (phrasal verb) (किसी को या कुछ अलग और विशेष बनाना):
Meaning – to make someone or something different and special
Synonyms – distinguish, differentiate, single out,separate.
Example – Virat’s natural athleticism set him apart from other cricket players.
8)Break with (phrasal verb)(एक पूरी तरह से नए तरीके से कुछ शुरू करना )):
Meaning – to start doing something in a completely new way
Synonyms – unusual, atypical, unique
Antonyms -common,normal,ordinary
Example – Some women in Iran broke with tradition by going to study abroad.
9)Take someone by surprise (phrase) (कुछ अप्रत्याशित करके किसी को आश्चर्यचकित करना )
Meaning – to startle someone; to surprise someone with something unexpected.
Synonyms – surprise, shock, stun, astonish.
Antonyms -normal,common,expected
Example – The son took the mother by surprise by gifting a diamond necklace from his own salary.
10)Room for manoeuvre (phrase) (एक अलग तरीके से चीजों को बदलने या करने का अवसर):
Meaning – the opportunity to change or do things in a different way
Synonyms – freedom, convenience, opportunity, chance, choice
Antonyms -threat
Example – The deal that was signed left us little room for manoeuvre.