Detail meaning
★Word ~Absolve
★Part of speech ~ Verb
★Meaning ~To show that someone is not guilty.(दोषमुक्त करना)
★Synonyms ~ Exonerate, Exculpate, Clear, , Acquit, Vindicate
★Antonyms~ Blame, Convict, Incriminate, Criminate
★Example~The so called thief was absolved by the court. (वह तथाकथित चोर न्यायालय द्वारा दोषमुक्त कर दिया गया था )
One word substitutions
◆Equivocal- Open to more than one interpretation not having one obvious meaning.(अनेकार्थी)
◆Invulnerable- one who can’t be defeated.(जिसको हराया न जा सके।)
Difficult Spellings of the day
◆Hallucination- भ्रम
◆Lassoing- रस्सी का फंदा लगाना