#THE_HINDU_VOCABULARY || 23.04.2018 ||
1. CAPSIZE (VERB): invalidate
Synonyms: reverse, repeal
Antonyms: approve, permit
Example Sentence:
The Ministry of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has capsized the NGT verdict.
2. MOTIVE (NOUN): intention
Synonyms: preoccupied, resolved
Antonyms: unfixed, unstable
Example Sentence:
It signals the motive to support centres of excellence.
3. NURTURE (NOUN): breeding
Synonyms: care, feed
Antonyms: deprivation, starvation
Example Sentence:
The nurture of children is mandatory.
4. SERENITY (NOUN): composure
Synonyms: calmness, patience
Antonyms: agitation, disturbance
Example Sentence:
The riverside view is filled with serenity.
5. PROXIMITY (NOUN): nearness
Synonyms: closeness, adjacency
Antonyms: remoteness, distance
Example Sentence:
The map shows the geographical proximity of our two countries.
6. CONSENT (NOUN): agreement
Synonyms: approval, sanction
Antonyms: denial, dissent
Example Sentence:
The green signal is conditional on getting the consent from the government.
7. APOSTLE (NOUN): advocate
Synonyms: defender, backer
Antonyms: antagonist, detractor
Example Sentence:
Side stepping the requirements by the apostle is not the ideal way to work.
8. MUSE (ADJECTIVE): think about
Synonyms: consider, contemplate
Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example Sentence:
Smita couldn’t even begin to muse the future.
9. TENABLE (ADJECTIVE): defensible
Synonyms: justifiable, conceivable
Antonyms: unreasonable, illogical
Example Sentence:
Such a simplistic approach is no longer tenable.
10. PRECEDENT (NOUN): an exemplar
Synonyms: paradigm, model
Antonyms: non standardization, imperfection
Example Sentence:
There are few precedents for this sort of legislation.