Important Words from the Article – 26 April 2018

By | April 26, 2018

1. Word of the day: Laggard (सुस्त व्यक्ति / निस्तेज)
Pronunciation:  लैगर्ड
Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
a) a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others. (Noun)
b) slower than desired or expected. (Adjective)
Synonyms: sluggish, dawdler, lazy
Antonyms: expeditious, prompt, speedy
Use in a Sentence: My manager advised me to warn the laggard in my team who is not productive like other team members.

2. Word: Subdued (नियंत्रित)
Pronunciation: सब्डूड
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: quiet and rather reflective or depressed/soft and restrained
Synonyms: soft, gentle, meek, submissive
Antonyms: loud, gaudy, raucous
Use in a Sentence: The thief was caught and subdued by the German Shepherd dog.

3. Word: Dampened (निरुत्साह करना)
Pronunciation: डैम्पन
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: make less strong or intense
Synonyms: discouraged, depressed, dejected
Antonyms: excited, aroused, encouraged
Use in a Sentence: We wouldn’t let the rain dampen our enjoyment.

4. Word: Imposition (लगाना)
Pronunciation:  इम्पज़िशन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the action or process of imposing something or of being imposed.
Synonyms: charge, levy, impost
Antonyms: help, advantage, alleviate
Use in a Sentence: It is an impositionto ask the employers to work thirteen hours a day.

5. Word: Prevailing (प्रबल होनेवाला)
Pronunciation: प्रिवेलिंग / प्रिवैलिंग / प्रीवैलिंग
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: having most appeal or influence; prevalent.
Synonyms: popular, widespread, conventional
Antonyms: outcast, feeble, rare
Use in a Sentence: Light blue is the prevailing color in his cabin.

6. Word – Anomalies (विसंगतियों)
Pronunciation: अनामलीज़
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Synonyms: irregularity, inconsistency, deviation
Antonyms: normalities, standard, regularity
Use in a Sentence: There are many kinds of anomalies in the world.

7. Word – Rampant (अनियंत्रित)
Pronunciation: रैम्पन्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: flourishing or spreading unchecked.
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, pervasive
Antonyms: sparse, limited, controlled
Use in a Sentence: Poverty was rampant in the nonurban areas of the country.

8. Word – Disincentive (निस्र्त्साहित)
Part of Speech: Adjective
a) a factor, especially a financial disadvantage, that discourages a particular action. (Noun)
b) tending to discourage. (Adjective)
Synonyms: hindrance, obstruction, determent
Antonyms: motivator, incentive, inspiration, incitement
Use in a Sentence: A library fine is a disincentive from keeping novels for too long.

9. Word – Virtuous (सदाचारी)
Pronunciation: वर्चूअस
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: having or showing high moral standards
Synonyms: Righteous, Ethical, honourable, chaste
Antonyms: sinful, wicked, immoral
Use in a Sentence: Sheela described her father as a virtuous and hard-working man.

10. Word – Viable (व्यवहार्य)
Pronunciation: वाइअबल
Part of Speech:
Meaning: capable of working successfully; feasible.
Synonyms: feasible, tenable, doable
Antonyms: futile, incredible, hopeless
Use in a Sentence: None of the projects shown economically viable

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