Important Vocabulary Words from the Article – 09 May 2018

By | May 9, 2018

#Challenging Words from the Article The Hindu*

1. *Word: Bounteous (ज़ोरदार)*
Pronunciation: boun-tee-uh s/बाउन्टीअसPart of Speech: AdjectiveMeaning: generously given or giving; bountiful (large in quantity; abundant)Synonyms: Ample, Plentiful, BigheartedAntonyms: Scarce, inadequate, greedyUse in a Sentence: I am grateful to her for the bounteous gifts.

2. *Word: Opportune (उपयुक्त)*
Pronunciation: op-er-toon/आपर्टून
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event, well timed
Synonyms: appropriate, favorable, suitable
Antonyms: disadvantageous, improper, inappropriate
Use in a Sentence: He arrived in the meeting at a very opportune moment.

3. *Word: Exhort (आग्रह करना)*
Pronunciation: ig-zawrt/इग्ज़ॉर्ट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
Synonyms: advise, encourage, prompt, inspire
Antonyms: deter, discourage, inhibit
Use in a Sentence: The manager must exhort his team members to work well.

4. *Word: Unheeded (अनदेखा)*
Pronunciation: Un – heed/ अन्हीडिड
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: heard or noticed but disregarded.
Synonyms: Neglected, Ignored, Unconsidered
Antonyms: Noticed, Regarded, Focused, Considered
Use in a Sentence: We can hope that this time, our warnings will not be unheeded.

5. *Word: Predicament (दुर्दशा)*
Pronunciation: pri-dik-uh-muh nt/प्रीडिकमन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation.
Synonyms: Difficulty, Dilemma, Quandary, crisis
Antonyms: Benefit, Advantage, Ease
Use in a Sentence: The decision of the meeting will leave the employees in a peculiar predicament.

6. *Word: Palatable (स्वीकार्य)*
Pronunciation: पैलटबलPart of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: acceptable or satisfactory, pleasant to taste
Synonyms: Delicious, Delightful, Pleasing, Grateful
Antonyms: Distasteful, Unpleasant, Tasteless
Use in a Sentence: The new dish made by his mother was nutritious, palatable and simple to make.

7. *Word: Upswing (उन्नति)*
Pronunciation: uhp-swing/अप्स्विंग
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: an increase in strength or quantity; an upward trend.
Synonyms: rise, surge, progress
Antonyms: decline, decrease, drop off
Use in a Sentence: His commendable performance will definitely lead to an upswing in his career.

*Idioms & Phrases*
1. *Between a rock and a hard place  (अव्यवस्था)*
Part of Speech: Phrase of rock
Meaning: faced with two equally undesirable alternatives.
Synonyms: in a dilemma, difficulty, muddle
Antonyms: pleasure
Use in a Sentence: His company members were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

2. *Around (or round) the corner (समीप)*
Part of Speech: Phrase of corner
Meaning: very near.
Synonyms: close at hand, nearby
Antonyms: distant
Use in a Sentence: It is the foremost thing they see when they come round the corner.

3. *Rake in (प्रचुर कमाना)*
Part of Speech: Phrase of rake
Meaning: To earn a lot of money or earn money easily
Synonyms: generate (make money), make a killing (make a lot of money very quickly)
Use in a Sentence: How much do you expect to rake in over the month?

4. *Knock off (बंद करना)*
Part of Speech: Phrase of knock
Meaning: stop work, finish work,
Synonyms: finish, dispatch, eliminate, destroy
Antonyms: continue start, create, instigate
Use in a Sentence: My mother asked, when do I usually knock off for dinner.

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